1520hrs FOX REPORT----Goshen, Indiana shots fired...


FOX is reporting that LE is responding to a shots fired call at an industrial park in Goshen, Indiana. Up to 35 people shot in a factory there. Mayor confirmed count. More to follow.


New member
:barf: just great. why O why would someone run around shooting innocent people like that ? wait, I already know :(


Factory was 'New Wood products' (or something close). Area still not secured, place is 'smothered in cops'. Suspect possibly in custody.

Ceol Mhor

New member
CNN has only one actual fact - four people (with injuries of unknown origin and type) went to the hospital.

The cops haven't gone inside (it's been 2 hours since the 'incident') despite having an armored car, apparently.

CNN hasn't made any comment about people hearing, seeing shootings, fleeing in panic, any arrests, or anything else indicating what happened. The governor of the city helped spread a rumor that "up to 35 people may have been shot." Based on facts alone, it's a big cop get-together.

No offense meant to any LEOs...I'm just annoyed at CNN for spouting "may", "might", and "could" every few seconds. :mad:


New member
Less than two hours after the incident (1630 East), and the ghouls a VPC have changed their website, trotting out old "studies" about workplace shootings


New member
Charmedlyfe - you beat me to the punch!

Latest reports are that he is a "firearms dealer with access to different firearms".


Ceol Mhor

New member
CNN made a quick mention of both shotguns and automatic weapons...

And AP says the shooter might have been a former or current employee. (Gosh! What brilliant speculation!)


New member
automatic weapons

If so, it certainly would be hard to spin this as proof of a need for more gun control.

Of course, it probably was a semiautomatic. The last time I looked at the A.P. Stylebook, it explained that automatic and semiautomatic mean the same thing when it came to handguns.


Moderator Emeritus
An FFL dealer?!

First the knucklehead in front of the White House with the SKS and whatnot. Now this. What great timing, too, with the Gun Show Loophole bill making news in Congress. Both events will receive plenty of ink/airtime, with pompous pronouncements from the Brady Bunch on securing ourselves against "terrorists at home" with this new gun show bill. McCain will get more face time. Repubs must compromise or look "soft on security".

The coincidence is enough to get me paranoid. I wonder how they activate their sleepers anyway?

[zombified voice]I have miles to go and promises to keep...[/zombified voice]
sleepers...I've been saying that for a long time now, but nobody believes me. I think it's the democrat's up to their old cold war tricks again. And why is it that when cops get together for a "Shots Fired" that all 62 of them have their sidearm drawn? If the bad guy does get shot, who's gonna fill out the report? And if he doesn't get shot, he'll die of old age before the SWAT team goes in to get him.

Ceol Mhor

New member
Latest CNN factoids:

2 fatalities, 1 assumed to be the perp.
3-5 "walking wounded"

BTW, the FBI and ATF are there too.

Jeff, CA

I wonder how they activate their sleepers anyway?

I picture Donald Pleasance in a phone booth in a roadside diner somewhere in the heartland...

"Cleopatra says there will be snow from the west."

Oh...that's been done. :rolleyes:

Calamity Jane

New member
As of 5:48 EST:

Culled verbiage from here:


Capt. Julie Dijkstra of the Elkhart County Sheriff's Department said after police stormed the Nu-Wood Decorative Millwork building they found the gunman dead with a gun near his head.

At least four people were taken to hospitals, including a man airlifted to Fort Wayne with critical injuries. His condition later stabilized.

Mayor Allan Kauffman earlier said he heard as many as 35 people had been shot. Initial police reports described the incident as a "mass shooting." Ambulances lined up outside the factory.

And of course, CNN trots out their "Time Line of Mass Shootings in the U.S." (link to same on above referenced page - it's a little pop up window). Guess murder by implements other than guns are nowhere near as tragic to CNN...

And to my recollection, no one at CNN ever called Mohammed Atta, et al. "planemen."

:barf: :mad: :(
Having been forced to use the AP Style Guide for several years in my professional life, I can testify that when it comes to firearms related subjects, the thing sucks complete a**.

When it comes to just about every other subject, it just sucks a**.

It's not a style manual. It's a spiral bound pile of crap.


New member
Thank you all for giving me a clearer picture of what was going on-- there was so much chaos & disruption on Free Republic's post on this I couldn't figure out what was what.

Tamara? In the FWIW dept., I did a post of links about mind control right here:

Mind Control-- Myth? Or is there more to
it than meets the eye?


I don't know about giving Tamara more information on mind control......if that t1.jpg making the rounds is really her, I'm already gone..... ;)