11/04 Indepencance Ohio, MMM lie fest - HB-274 - John Lott speaks


New member
Probably only important to House District 17 Ohioans, perhaps some were there. The MMM is attacking Jim Trackas for voting yes on HB-274 which they claimed would allow CCW in schools, hospitals, playgrounds..etc..

Oh, and according to one of their signs, a kid is now aged 0-25. Go figure that one.

Luckily we had John Lott there (and I got my book signed!!).

I've got the entire proceedings on video tape (I think). Still needs to be cleaned up, and it's very long so posting may not work very well.

I may be able to do it in 3 parts, the liers (MMM), John Lott and a short clip of some of the pro-gun folks being interviewed.


New member
I'd love to see the tape if it works out, braindead0. I've never seen Lott speak.

- Gabe


New member
The MMM is attacking Jim Trackas for voting yes on HB-274 which they claimed would allow CCW in schools, hospitals, playgrounds..etc..
This is beside the point of your thread, but is there anything wrong with allowing CCW in schools, hospitals, playgrounds, etc.?


New member
Nope, sure isn't.

They also claimed that a study came out refuting John Lotts research, no details of course and I suspect it's a total lie.