10mm Recoil


I think I may have caught the 10mm bug.

Never shot one, though, but I like the way it looks on paper.

If I get one, I would try to find a colt delta elite, or the full size Glock.


1. How does 10mm compare in recoil to 357 mag and 45 ACP?
2. Which gun do you think will recoil most, the delta elite or Glock? It has been my experience that I perceive recoil to be less out of a Glock in general, but maybe I am alone on this.


New member
1. In guns of similar weight, the 10mm has less recoil than a .357 Mag. and more than a .45ACP standard pressure. +P .45 loads approximate 10mm recoil.

2. The Colt will probably give more felt recoil than the Glock. The polymer frame seems to absorb some of the recoil of the 10mm.


Peter M. Eick

New member
Out of my 10mm witness the recoil on full house loads is about the same as a full +p 45 round. Kind of snappy, but lots of fun. Out of a glock it is definately less, but the glock (to me) is very "squishy" under recoil and certainly flexes a lot during firing.

If you can deal with the flexy nature of the glock, get the glock. It is certainly a very accurate and easy to shoot gun, and besides the g20 is very easy to clean. If you have problems with the glock, consider a witness, cheap and very well made.


New member

Bout the same as my 45. this is from a Glock M-20 and recoil gets a little stout with 180 grain loads. But i'm not recoil sensitive....


New member
The recoil on my 10 is snappy. Best way to put it, just plain old snappy. Still easy to control though.
If you can shoot the .357 or .45, a 10 is no problem. It seems to fall in between those two calibres. Go with the Glock.


New member
I am reluctant to get 10mm because it has not been around as long as .45 or .357

How long has the 10mm round been around? Will the 10mm be a fad that will go away in a few years? Is 10mm ammo hard to find? Is 10mm ammo more expensive?


New member
The 10mm has been around for 17 years. I don't believe it's just a fad, but I'm biased; I really like the round. Any well-stocked gun store should have 10mm ammo. At least 11 ammo companies make it. 10mm JHPs fall in the same price range as most other handgun defensive loads.


New member
I personally find the 10mm a ***** cat to shoot.

From like sized firearms the 10mm has no where near the recoil of the .357 Mag, but more of a snap then the .45acp. In all honestly, all 3 calibers are not hard shooting calibers (well maybe in an ultra lite revolver with heavy loads and a 2" barrel the .357 mag might *bite* a little).

The only negative about the 10mm is the lack of it on shelves. But that's what we have the internet for!!



New member
The 10 is very versatile, and the amount and "quality" of the recoil will vary with the load. I have found full power, heavy-bullet loads to recoil more than .45 hardball. On the other hand, a 135HP @ 1400fps, which is also pretty much a full power load, doesn't seem to recoil as much as .45 hardball.


New member
You won't be sorry with the 10mm. My favorite round. And like what most say here, the ten is really a ***** cat for the power it packs. I have owned a Glock 20 and a G29 (the compact) and neither kicks enough to concern me. Love them both!