10MM Chamber Support in 1911's


New member
Great job on the comparison. I understand why so many 10mm enthusiast aren't thrilled by a 1911 chambered in it. I have to admit though, I still want a Colt Delta Elite, I just can't help myself...:D.


New member
Thanks for the comparison.
Very well done with good camera work, too.
None of the shaky stuff we usually have to endure with online videos.
Thanks for that, too.
But none of those appeared to have enough insufficient support to be a problem.
All look like safe shooters, especially as compared to some really unsupported barrels out there.


New member
Targa I totally understand on the Delta. It was actually a holy grail for me as I have wanted one for over 15 years but would not purchase one of the early models with the wrap around grips :) When they came out with the latest model I had to have one.


New member
G Willikers,

Thank you for the Kudos I am not a video guy at all and my gopro :) just doesn't cut it compared to some of the professional stuff out there. But I do this to try and provide accurate unbiased information to the shooting world.

You are absolutely right they all are very well supported and safe to shoot with loads like Corbon and Underwood. That is something I should have mentioned.


New member
Good job Mr.RevolverGuy! I had a Kimber 10MM a few years ago and was impressed at the time with the excellent case head support. My former 10MM Kimber, and current Kimber 38 Super, have the best supported chambers of any of the umpteen 1911 types I've owned.