10mm and 800x


New member
since every manual has different max and minimums for 800x(some max are below min in some manuals).

im using lee 176gr t/l swc, lubed with lla/jpw, out of a 5" 1911.

on all the 175gr loads it goes from 7gr-10gr.

what are you guys using to get an accurate load from 800x?


New member
I no longer use 800X in any of my handloads, meters like corn flakes and weighing each charge is a PIA when loading handgun ammo.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
800x is a bit of an enigma in the 10mm. The manuals generally stop all loads well below what should be the max pressure for 10mm. My research has convinced me that this is most likely because the nature of 800x could cause it to act unpredictably at pressures in excess of 30,000psi.

Now, there are certainly those who have loaded 800x, particularly in 10mm, to VERY high levels and done so with apparent safety for years. However, were it my gun and my hand holding it, I would limit 800x to loads that generate less than approximately 30,000 psi.

Power Pistol is the undisputable king for over-all use in the 10mm with heavier bullets. It meters better, produces very good velocity and there is no mystery to it being able to handle in excess of 40,000 psi and still behave predictably.


New member
My personal development experience led me to recommend N350 as the single best one-powder choice in the 10mm.

800X is squirrely, and I use it only in very specific full-power ("Unsafe Nonsense") loads.

I have used all the powders so far mentioned in this thread.


New member
all too real

Be careful, as 800X does NOT always act in a progressive manner :eek:

Pressure signs mean one has exceeded safe pressure.