$1000 for a new 22 rifle


New member
I have $1000 to spend on an new super accurate, super nice 22 rifle. My requirements are a laminated stock (I like the look) and stainless steel parts. Give me your opinions on factory build options, versus custom builders, versus buying hi end parts like Kidd and building my own. I am leaning towards building my own, but inletting and pillar/glass bedding concern me since I have never done it.


New member
$1000 is a tough price point. Plenty of fine rifles well under $1000 but really "nice" rifles will generally exceed your budget.
Requiring all stainless curtails your choices in your price range.
For a truly accurate high end stainless and laminate rifle within your budget you might look at used Volquartsens.
These rifles are generally well cared for.


New member
I would think for a thousand dollars you could get just about whatever you wanted, and not have to mess with it.
If you want to learn how to pillar bed and other fun tricks, you should start with a less expensive rifle. Once you've done a couple, and understand the issues, you should be able to build a rifle.
But, if you want a high-end rifle, you should probably just buy one.

My opinion only... ;)


New member
Microgunner, the budget has a little flex, what is the price point you are referencing for a really "nice" rifle?


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You can pick up a magnificent used walnut and blued steel Remington 40X within your budget but it's blued and walnut. These rifles win championships.


New member
On e you get into that price range for a 22 you start splitting hairs..IMHO I'd spend about 500 on a good 22 and the rest on a quality piece of glass for it and maybe a few upgrades..the good glass will help a lot and honestly the rifle will probably be far more accurate than most people that shoot it anyway..

Bart B.

New member
Anschutz and Walther 22 rimfire match rifles' better accuracy and triggers kicked the Rem 40X and Win 52 rifles off the firing lines decades ago. Upgrading those USA-made actions with better barrels and triggers will help, but buying a used Anschutz costs less and it'll be better overall.

What are your "super accurate" requirements for the rifle? No worse than what dimension at 50 and 100 yards?
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New member
i bought a savage .22LR 10 years ago for 200 bucks and i have not cleaned it in two years.it also has a sporter weight barrell not a heavy barrel.

last week it shot smaller then dime size groups at 25 yards


New member
Bart B., looking for same hole at 25, 1/2 inch or less at 50 yrds and 1 inch or less at 100 yrds. Bottom line is a want a rifle that is capable of shooting better than I am so I cannot blame the equipment, but forces me to better my shooting skills.

Willie D

New member
For those requirements you could do fine with a sub $500 Savage or CZ and spend the rest on match ammo.

Like the others have said, it's the next step up in accuracy that costs the big bucks.


New member
Honestly almost any quality rifle you get will be more accurate than you..like I said try And find a nice 77/22 you can find deals on them at around 500. and put whatever you have left towards a nice piece of glass and perhaps an upgraded trigger.i guarantee that rifle with a 300-400 dollar piece of glass and some some small upgrades will almost be guaranteed more accurate than you can shoot..

Honestly a better question would be what glass for it to take full advantage of its accuracy.


New member
CZ452 and a nice Leupold rimfire scope. That'll come in about $800-900.

I've been shooting that combo for six years and it's still a laser beam.

Bart B.

New member
All rifles shoot more accurate by themselves than when held by us humans. None of us life forms can hold, aim then shoot one as precise as it does clamped in a free-recoiling accuracy cradle untouched by us. We don't hold them as repeatable as those mechanical marksmen do.


New member
Why 22, is it for competition ? If not have you looked at 17hmr ? I've shot a lots of 22 but I much prefer shooting the 17hmr, to me they are much more acurate and the ammo quality seems to be much higher.


New member
I strongly urge the Anschutz bolt. It does exceed your stated budget, but it is the ne plus ultra of the lot. I do not know if they have laminate stocks (I just checked the site and didn't see one, though I thought I've seen them in the past).
IMHO, the next step down is a CZ bolt. Again I don't believe that you can find a laminate stock with CZ either but the difference in price will allow you to find an aftermarket one.
Of course, the problem with the Anschutz is that if you're not making just one hole in the paper, it's definitely you!


New member
savage rifles are the greatest and they have custom shop too.

other gun companies just rob people.yes you can pay over 1000 for a savage too.but your getting 5K worth of gun.
check out there website google savagearms and there all made just down the road from where i grew up
$700 Anschutz (not a 54 or even 64, but.....) : http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=413578167

Anschutz 64 - unknown final price: http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=413693604

I guess the main thing I'd ask is, do you want a heavy target type rifle - in which case I'd say find a used Winchester 52 such as this one: http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=414224284

Or do you want a lighter sporting-weight rifle, in which case it's a tougher call, but I'd look for an Anschutz or Walther of some flavor in the used markets.

Or as others have suggested, get a CZ and use the other half of the money for optics. :)