"100 Gun owners surveyed 2009"

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New member
I am doing a Power Point Family feud game for the youngsters in firearms safety again this year. The one last year when over so well another one is needed.
(I downloaded this game from).

Question 1. Your favorite Big Game Animal That you hunt.

Question 2. Your favorite Small Game Animal That you hunt

Question 3. Your favorite Non-Game Animal That you shoot

If you don't have a favorite small game leave it blank and vise versa.

Thank you, Please


New member
Question 1. Your favorite Big Game Animal That you hunt.- Deer

Question 2. Your favorite Small Game Animal That you hunt- Pheasant

Question 3. Your favorite Non-Game Animal That you shoot- Rat


New member
1) Deer (hopefully soon to be elk once I can afford the time for the second license)

2) Rabbit

3) Crows

And BTW tree rats taste great and are game animals, not nongame. But if you don't eat them I suppose they could be nongame


New member
1. deer/working on getting my bear hunting license
2. rabbit (yummy hossenfeffer)
3. If I don't eat it, I don't shoot it (excluding self defense)


New member
1. deer/working on getting my bear hunting license
2. rabbit (yummy hossenfeffer)
3. If I don't eat it, I don't shoot it (excluding self defense)

Same for me.... cept that Bear part..... hell with that.


New member
Awwww, come on! What about all of us folks who are bursting at the seams with opinions... but don't do much hunting? :(

FWIW, I support hunting and conservation, but had no hunters in the family growing up, so I was never mentored in hunting. I have hunted a couple of times (waterfowl) and went on a boar hunt, but I've never been deer hunting.


New member
Awwww, come on! What about all of us folks who are bursting at the seams with opinions... but don't do much hunting?
Thank you so much for the support Brother.
We have statistics where we talk about the people who support us as hunters. Help me word a survey question that would turn the wheels in a 12 year old mind and I will use it also. I am struggling with wording a survey question to do just that.
And thank you all for the input!
Look out snakes! never even gave them thought:eek:

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
1) Whitetail

2) Squirrel (Although I hunt them about once a decade so I'm not sure if you want to count that)

3) Woodchuck/Groundhog/Whistle Pig/Marmot/Marmota Monax
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