10-round mag limit repealed!


New member
Err, wishful thinking on my part!:)

Do you think this will ever happen and when? Somehow I suspect that the relevant parties have other priorities and gunowners have been quiet.


New member
As I recall, that is due to "sunset" in 2004, along wiht some parts of the "assault weapons ban". Others here can give you much more detailed and correct info, that is just how I recall those things.


New member
Look for the Brady Bunch to tell us all that continuing the hi-cap ban will help us fight terrorism. :mad:

Don't get your hopes up.


New member
How about we send the idiots, oops, the Brady's to afghanistan to fight without guns...because guns are bad and run off and kill people...

11 rounds and you have yourself a murderer!


New member

Does that mean you can't carry 10 in a mag and 1 in the chamber without becoming a bloodthirsty mass murderer?


New member
Well if it sunsets in '04 then I sure as heck hope the pro 2nd lobby groups are starting the pressure specifically not to resign it. Where do I send my check?


New member
Yes, Bush has said he would sign the bill if it was put in front of him. I have no doubt this was done for political gain with moderates on his part.

But in order for it to get to him, it has to be passed by both chambers of Congress. It passed very narrowly last time, and if I recall correctly, was one of the things that led to the Repubs controlling both chambers for most of Clinton's presidency.

It may not get revived after it sunsets, if politicians remember the lessons of the past.


New member

You ask a good question.

It appears as if a man with a gun having a 15 round mag. is up to no good; On the other hand the man with a gun having a 10 round mag. with a spare mag of 10 rounds (a total of 20 rounds) is just fine..

Strange indeed:confused:

Blue Duck357

New member
Does that mean you can't carry 10 in a mag and 1 in the chamber without becoming a bloodthirsty mass murderer?

Shhhh! They don't know about the one in the chamber trick! What are you trying to do get a new 9 round mag limit!!;)
It's a great law....

first off, it makes your box of ammo last longer....

second....you know each box has 5 magazine loads, no odd rounds to worry about.

thirdly, for mathematically challenged hayseeds, they can count the rounds by looking down at their shoeless toes and don't have to start removing fingers from their grip to count on.....

fourthly, those of us with 1911s, P7s, PPks and the like don't feel so outgunned by the hi-cap crowd...

and lastly, if you take care of business with 8 or 9 rounds instead of 16 or 17, you will look much cooler.....


New member
Well, you can partially blame the NRA for the mag-cap ban, simply for not having the intelligence to properly fight its enemies. During the eleventh hour when it was clear the anti-gun lobby had enough votes to pass the Crime Bill, the NRA was approached by legislators with a compromise. The idea was the NRA would remove opposition to the bill, and in return the mag-cap provision would be removed and a couple firearms such as the AR-15 would be removed from the assault weapon list. Instead the NRA refused based on principle, and as a result the bill was passed. Some gun companies (Glock in particular) were outraged that the NRA didn't take the offer.

One may indeed say the NRA needed to make a stand based on principle. However, ideology aside, which would you have rather been- a British soldier at Dunkirk or a German soldier at Stalingrad? Both armies were faced with total annihilation. The Britsh chose to retreat back to England. Years later they triumphantly returned to the beaches of Normandy, once their forces had been rebuilt and had recovered and had a powerful ally on their side. On the other hand, Hitler would not allow his troops to retreat under any circumstances, and as a result they were nearly completely wiped out by the Soviet Army.

When the anti-gunners are faced with certain defeat, they try to make a compromise with us and often get it (look at the Firearms Owner's Protection Act and its machine gun ban add-on for an example). Yet when we are faced with losing, it seems we'd rather be wiped out than cut our losses and try to minimize the amount of lost ground. Yeah, the Second Amendment is not something to be bartered with. We still have a mag-cap ban. The answer here is to wait until something comes along that they want, such as another kiddie safety law. When we see something that we feel we can live with, we'll then say "okay, but this is what WE want....."


New member
Yes, keep on compromising and pretty soon you won't have anything left to compromise with. That's the antigunners game, nibble here and nibble there and eventuallly there is nothing left to nibble and we gunowners are left with situations like California, Illinois, Mass, MD, NJ and NY.

You don't compromise on individual rights!


New member
It passed very narrowly last time, and if I recall correctly, was one of the things that led to the Repubs controlling both chambers for most of Clinton's presidency.

Well, if that's what it takes to blow some of those anti's out of Congress, maybe we should let them pass it again. Hopefully the issue will wake up some of the fence sitters that don't vote on an issue until it directly affects them! :mad:


New member
Well, when it sunsets, there won't be enough votes to get it to W's desk and he won't have to worry about the ramifications of sign/don't sign. So none of your high caps will be worth much at all 'cause we'll be able to buy new hicaps at Ivanhoe for 16 bucks each. In the meantime, I'll pay 20 bucks each for all Glock high caps that are in good or better condition. Email me if interested........:D