10/22 steel lips.


New member
Are these any good? Because I wouldn't wish hot lips mags on any one.
Stock rugers work pretty darn good but low cap. mags equal more time
reloading and less time shooting. Even though even 22 ammo is as rare
as gold these days.


New member
what's wrong with hot lips? I've shot a few thousand rounds through mine and haven't had any problems thus far. Is there something I should be looking for?

srt 10 jimbo

New member
steel lips are the best after the stock ruger clip. son had problems with his hot lips at first changed ammo(CCI) and has not had a problem with them since.:)


New member
Definitely will be buying only steel lips. Have been through several of the plastics and they just don't last as long for me...



New member
Yes, these are great magazines. It makes the 10/22 about 100X more fun - and they are pretty fun right out of the box with the ten rounder!

I have never had a problem with mine. Definatly extends the shooting fun time, but the reloading fun time is longer (obviously).

And is .22lr hard to find?? Dick's had tons of it and it was on sale on Sunday when I went. Case of .40 was also acquired on sale. :cool:


New member
I use the steel lips in a John Norrel full auto 10/22, and they function 100% every time. Just as good as the factory 10 round.