10/22: Redux


New member
During my recent trip up north, I headed out grouse hunting with the 10/22. While strolling down some old logging roads, the sling on my 10/22 gave out at the top swivel, and I had the horrific experience of hearing my prized grouse gun meet ground. I felt it going, had my hand on the butt stock and stopped it from totally falling, but the barrel met the stoney/sand grit of the road. Piss me off. I was totally bummed. :(

BUT, the scratches were slight. Mamoth to my eyes, but repairable. I got home tonight, and after a quick unwinding, I grabbed some 320 extra fine water proof sand paper I had laying around and gave the offending area a quick buff. Not too shabby, I thought. Gave it a matte finish. Daddy like. So I did the whole barrel. (slicing my finger on the V block part of the barrel! sharp!) After the bleeding stopped. I sat looking at the receiver. It had seen better days, starting to show it's age. I recalled seeing online that the receiver is merely painted aluminum, and that the paint could be easily removed. Well, I have all this sanding stuff out already I thought to myself. After a rough scrub with a synthetic paint removing brush, and a once over with the same 320 sand paper... the ruger has been reborn. I am VERY impressed. :D







New member
There are a lot of makes of that sandpaper. The main thing is taking off the paint. I used one of these:

The receiver took me about an hour to do. Wear a mask!




New member
Very nice.

I like the way you sanded in one direction to keep the sanding marks uniform. Nice job.