10/22 receiver


New member
I want a new 10/22, but I want to put my own barrel and stock on it. Is there anywhere to get just the 10/22 action without having to pay extra for the barrel and stock that I'm going to take off immediatly?


New member
I know that midway USA has Volquartzen actions but you will pay more for them than for a new 10-22. You can also just look at pawn shops and auctions for cheap ones I have bought several well used rifles with good actions for anywhere from 100 to 150 dollars.


New member
+1 on the pawn shop suggestion. Almost any used 10/22will have a serviceable receiver. Ruger will not sell a stripped receiver because, per ATF regulations, the receiver IS the gun.

FWIW if you get a used 10/22 that's more than a couple years old, you don't have to suffer the indignity of a plastic trigger housing. :rolleyes:


New member
  • You could find a used 10/22.
  • Shooters Discount sometimes have Ruger receivers for $100.
  • If a tacticool look is ok you can buy a NoDAK rail only receiver for $135.
go with a pawn shop gun or a new one on sale you can always sell the take off parts..... by the time you go throught buying a receiver and trigger group and bolt you will come close to exceed the price of a new gun...... I have modified several 10/22 and using a complete gun is the easiest route to go visit http://www.rimfirecentral.com/forums/ for everything you need to know


last Christmas present for brother in law built into a Mach 2 with a Green Mountain barrel and Hogue OverMold


my Boyds Evolution with a HM2 Green Mountain


Boyds Blaster with E.R. Shaw HM2