10/22 Loose Mags


New member
I got a couple of the Ruger BX-25 25 round mags and I noticed there is alot of play in them from side to side and front to back. I was wondering if there is anyway I can make them a tighter fit. Have about 800 rounds through them and have not had any feed problems really, only a couple FTE's when rapid firing. Would just really like to get them to fit snug.


New member
Tightness will be limited.

Off hand, the only suggestion that I might have, is to put a couple of wraps of electrical tape around the top end, in order to close up the clearances. There has to be some play in order to allow for ejection. Keep in mind that you only have two small contact points, fore and aft. ..... :)

Be Safe !!!


New member
Thanks for the response, I was actually thinking about the electrical tape. Will have to experiment next time I go to the range and find out what works.