10/22 help


New member
I have cleaned my 10/22 many times without problem, however, the last time when I removed the trigger assembly, all the pins fell out. :eek: :eek: Got it back together, but it had some problems. I bought a new trigger from www.natchezss.com and put it in. It works great but now on the final shot the action does not say open. Any clue what's going on?


New member
NO Problem

The action does not stay open after the last shot. If you can figure out a cheap way to modify it to do so, you will be rich.


Mal H

All the pins fell out? Or do you mean the two large pins that hold the trigger group in the receiver? Those two are always loose. I put a strip of cellophane tape across one side to keep them in. If they all fell out, then that's just plain weird.

The action stayed open after your final shot before the trigger was replaced? Then you had some aftermarket gizmo added that got removed or you're not talking about any 10/22 like I've ever seen.


New member
no all the pins fell out !@#*!

I removed the two larger pins to take out the trigger assembly. after that the smaller pins that hold the trigger mechanism together fell out, leaving me with about 10 pieces. I thought the action is supposed to stay open after the last shot. It did before the trigger problems occured.:confused:


New member
I've totally taken apart my first (and most used) 10/22 countless number of times. Most of the pins fall out by just tipping the receiver over. Just normal wear and tear from being removed and re-inserted. IMO, nothing to worry about. The only pin that doesn't fall out is the one holding the aftermarket plastic extended mag release. The release seems to hold the pin tightly.

Just curious, when you had the bolt held back after the last round, did it stay back when you removed the mag from the receiver? Was this gun bought new or used? (The 10/22 was not designed with a bolt hold open device actuated by an empty mag. Have never seem a factory or built up 10/22 that held the bolt back on an empty mag.)