Search results

  1. C

    Rem 7600 Performance Parts

    Got the 7600P Patrol rifle in .308. Only complaint so far - no shooting yet - is the magazine release. Too small and no leverage. Rifle seems great in every other way. Does anyone make an aftermarket upgrade?
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    Shooting the wounded

    story A story just out shows US forces going room to room, coming across a pair of enemy "bodies" - one dead and one either badly wounded or feigning death. One was observed breathing and was quickly shot and killed for real. Various ploys have been utilized to ambush our troops, including...
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    Search Warrants Standards

    This is for us SoCal subjects. Source is pg 3 of The Daily Breeze. Article: Police had the right to burst into a Hawthorne home, point their guns at an innocent family inside and handcuff the father to serve a search warrant, an appellate court has ruled. Roger K. Light, a 47-year-old...
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    Great Kali Gun Deals 2003

    Gun shops are facing a tough time with the new regs. Many shooters are talking real timid about purchasing under the new laws. We gotta pass a BS questionaire, show how to make the gun safe and get printed - again. Sales will plummet in the normally slack post Xmas time. Remember though...
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    K9 Death A Manslaughter?

    Just off Fox News, and no link yet available: Customs was moving some of their K9 officers around and forgot one in a car for several days. Officer Fido died. If a citizen contributes to the death of a K9 officer, he is risking at least manslaughter. Will anyone be charged with manslaughter...
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    Not Again Already?

    Just heard Dr. Hatfil's news conference (his second) proclaiming his innocence in the anthrax investigations. Not long ago it was Richard Jewell (Atlanta bombing investigation). Entrapment of Randy Weaver on weapons charges and the Ruby Ridge massacres. Waco. This is pretty scary stuff done...
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    Why the Misdemeanor Charge?

    To sum up the article, we have a self defense shooting where the DA presses no felony charges. The attacker had made threats and the victim armed himself for self defense. The incident is on parking lot security camera and threats were on answering machine. Sentenced the victim to misdemeanor...
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    Specifically with S&W revolvers, do you recommend factory work for timing and lockwork repairs or do you use an outside the company gunsmith? Work involved is typical timing problems on model 29's and some lockwork on a 36. Also, has anyone had the warranty/recall work done on the 1076...
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    Copper Plate vs Lubed Cast Warning

    Since I shoot at an indoor range I have been using copper plated cast 240gr for all my .44 loads. Most of these are in the 900fps+ range and accuracy has been fine. Son away at school has same 5 1/2" SBH and a girlfriend who wanted to try it with light loads. I stuffed 200 .44 special cases...
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    Gonna Cast

    Going to start casting again - after many years - and would like listers advice on what preferred equipment and style to pursue. Biggest questions are: Whether to ladle or bottom pour - 20# melt Lyman or RCBS Lyman or RCBS lubrisizer Who makes the Veral Smith type molds - .44. .357 and a...
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    Time To Leave!

    At Kandahar approx. 7 armed sappers came within the security perimeter and were not shot. Troops guarding the perimeter at Kandahar airport are under orders not to shoot unless shot at. It seems it is time to quit this theater, fold our tents and go. Military decisions made in a politically...
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    AD at RUHS

    Just had an accidental discharge of a .22 in a backpack at 10 this morning at the local high school - Redondo Beach HS. Supposedly gangster, supposedly went off when backpack set down. Wounded either the gangster or ? in the shoulder. Questions revolve around stupidity of chambered round...
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    Office of Homeland Security

    How Tom Ridge perceives our Constitution and Bill of Rights will determine whether we are fighting international terrorism or just more government infringements. Who is Tom Ridge and what is his track record on the 2nd Amendment?
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    National ID

    We already are subjected to a national ID, aka Social Security #. I know it is not to be used as ID, but anyone who has opened a bank acct for their kids or whatever has to get a SSN. Anyone who gets ahold of your SSN can lay your economic life to waste and ID theft is becoming commonplace...
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    Fed Aid for the boo-boo

    Just heard/saw Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer reassuring all that NYC would bounce back from this and they would make sure they would get maximum federal aid to make this happen. Pause for applause - none heard. Campaigning as they stand on the rubble and bodies of the worst terrorist act...
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    .45ACP to 10mm

    Is the 1911 conversion just a matter of barrel, springs and magazines? I may have to start with a commander sized AMT stainless 1911 ( called a "Skipper"). Inquiring minds need to know.
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    Defensive Load Flash and Bang

    Anyone test their defensive loads for nighttime effect? I don't want a visual stun grenade type, but I do want approx. 1000fps with middle weight bullets in .357, 10mm, .44 and .45acp. Is the general trend a near max load faster powder - 231, 700x, bullseye, AA#5 - or do we step into the...
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    .45 Wmag & .460 Rowland

    Somebody know a site with case specs, web dimensions and volumes of these cases with overall lengths? Can they both be based on .308/30-06 cases? Thinking about a project and need more info on these cases.
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    progressive presses

    How about some opinions from those using RCBS 2000, Hornady LNL, Dillons 550b & 650 and any others such as Lee. I am approaching a new press purchase (first progressive) and these have caught my interest. Loading for 3+ pistol calibers and 2 rifle. Money is burning a hole in my pocket. I need...