Search results

  1. J

    Can The "Affordable Care Act" Do This???

    My wife received this in the mail recently and showed it to me this morning. I told her I am refusing to give her that information for that purpose. She is a bus driver and has drove for the same school district for almost 20 years. Of course she is concerned this could cost her her job if I...
  2. J

    Texas Open Carry Is Imminent

    Sounds like it is truly a done deal, waiting on Governor Abbots signature. I had this in my inbox this morning from Texas Law Shield. Also was a link to this You Tube video where one of their lawyers talked specifically about this new law. In the...
  3. J

    Ruger Security Six & Fiber Optic Sights

    I have a 6 inch Security Six I recently acquired. Shoots great but with my 60 year old eyes I was wondering if anybody made fiber optic sights for them. I checked Williams and unless I missed it they do not make a sights specifically for this firearm. Also checked Midway with same result. I...
  4. J

    Wax In Hollow Point, Why?

    I was watching Jaws 2 (released 1978) a couple nights ago and the Sheriff was shown melting candle wax into the hollow point cavity of his 357 Mag ammo when one of his deputies walked in on him. He quickly covered the ammo with a cloth he had handy and refused to talk to the deputy about what he...
  5. J

    New To Me Ruger Security Six 200 Anniversary Model

    Dropped by a local pawn shop that sometimes have something interesting and this was for sale, $499 price tag on it. Everything about it checked out. It is in excellent shape for a 39 year old firearm and has been shot very little from what I could tell. I noticed it was the 200 year anniversary...
  6. J

    Obamacare’s Second Amendment Trojan Horse

    Here is the link to an article I got from Yahoo News this morning < >. It is a follow the bread crumbs as to how Obamacare with it's mandates is a threat to anyone's Second Ammendments rights who has ever...
  7. J

    Is 1/2 Inch Stainless Steel Good For Steel Targets?

    This is a matter of using what I have. I have had a 4' X 4' piece of stainless steel, don't remember what grade for over 10 years and have absolutely no use for it. I also have the resources to get it cut into smaller pieces. Would this be good material for steel targets, I am thinking it is...
  8. J

    Do You Degrease Before Nail Polish On Sights?

    Do you degrease the metal before applying nail polish to your sights. I am fixing to try this on a BG-38 I have and was thinking it probably would be a good idea. If so what do you use? I am thinking alcohol but also have mineral spirits available. Any other observations from experience using...
  9. J

    .357 & .358 Diam Cast Loaded Into 9mm

    I have two different cast bulets from local casters. One sells at a LGS, labled 9/38 125 TC. These measure .357 diam. Can I load these into 9mm? Loading manuals I have call for .356 diam for 9mm. One thousands of an inch isn't much but thought I would ask. I am planning to try these first. The...
  10. J

    Texas Govenor Indicted & His CCL & Firearms

    So Rick Perry has been indicted by a Grand Jury on 2 counts one a first degree and the other a third degree felony. < > Will he be able to keep his CCL while under indictment? What about any...
  11. J

    Please Help Identify This Old Cartridge Case

    This was found on a ranch close to Big Bend National Park in Texas. There was an old Calvary Post there back in the early 1900"s so it could date back to then. As you can tell by the condition it has been laying on desert ground for many years. Case head dimensions match 30.06 but case length...
  12. J

    NSA... Metadata & Government Withholding Evidence

    I have been wondering about this for some time and maybe can get the answer here. It is my understanding that the government has to hand over all evidence it has if they are charging you with a crime. Would that also include the metadata that the government is collecting via it's NSA programs...
  13. J

    Savage 12 Bench Rest Opinions

    I am thinking about getting into bench rest competitions. I have been to a couple of local competitions and am now ready to buy my first rifle specifically for this use. I am thinking about getting this rifle in the six BR Norma caliber. I am an experienced reloader so I have a good idea what...
  14. J

    Supreme Court could end domestic violence gun ban

    Ran across this when browzing Yahoo this morning. << >> Media has been giving a lot of subtle anti gun messages. What this case has to do with a so called sniper rifle in the picture is an example. Is this a...
  15. J

    Dan Wesson Re-assembly Question

    Family member has a Dan Wesson 357 Mag revolver that needed help. Barrel was loose, cylinder gap was excessive. I took the barrel shroud and barrel off and everything seems to be fine. All the threads look and feel good. I went to the "Dan Wesson Forum" and bought a "Barrel Nut Wrench" from...
  16. J

    LaserLyte Laser Trainer Target System

    I have been considering one of these along with "LaserLyte Laser Trainer for .380 to .45 acp Caliber Pistols with Minimum 2" Barrel Red" for dry firing practice with my handguns. Source for these would be Midway. Anyone here used one? The reviews on Midway are from cheap and flimsy pos to...
  17. J

    Don't Over Crimp But You Do Have To Crimp Enough

    My 40 cal semi auto pistol shoots factory loads (even the cheap stuff) with no problems but I have been having trouble getting the same reliability with my reloads. One FTF every magazine or two. After cleaning my pistol and before re-assemblying with the barrel in one hand and cartridges in...
  18. J

    Texas School Where Teachers Carry

    I hope I am following the rules for this forum. If not I am sure the Mods will do what they feel is right. Hopefully anyone that wishes to comment or answer my question will also follow the rules for this forum. When reading the Ft. Worth Star Telegram this morning I ran across this. <...
  19. J

    1851 Navy Loading Questions

    I traded for a brass frame 1851 Navy 36 cal. Below is the post I did in the research forum asking for some value info, includes pictures and condition info. < > I have been trying to put together what I need to shoot this revolver. I have...
  20. J

    Hawes SA Revolver Navy Model 36 Cal

    A long time friend and co-worker has a revolver he would like to sell or trade, it is marked on the barrel left side "Hawes Firearms Co. Las Angeles Calif" and on right side "36 Cal Navy Model made in italy" I have done some internet searching and I think it has all the proof marks. Serial...