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  1. F

    H.R.2277 - To eliminate the sporting purposes distinction in the gun laws.

    Just found this....It looks interesting though it is to soon to tell how much of a hope it has. It shows at least there is some level of interest with some elected reps in removing more restrictions. I will be contacting my rep and asking for...
  2. F

    Firearm safety - Accidental Shooting at NC Gun Show

    Folks, I know many of us here visit gunshows at times. In fact I started to head over to this one today. Glad I didnt now... Hurt in Accidental Shooting at NC Gun Show - Link: With that said, having waited in...
  3. F

    Danville Va, Where’s Your Gun program

    Saw this come over the news yesterday... Link: The article goes on to mention about using the NRA's Eddy Eagle program for children, but for the adults it mentions topics such as legal issues, gun...
  4. F

    Colt's new RapidRange Bullet trap

    I just noticed on Colt's website that they are rolling out their bullet trap. It is an interesting idea, though similar to others, it will be worth watching how it goes in the future for this product. What is most interesting about it is the trailer mounted bullet trap. I havent seen this...
  5. F

    Shooting Range Insurance, and other questions.

    I have been shooting on a private range belonging to a long time close friend on his farm. I have used this range for YEARS now. There has been recent interest in forming a shooting club there. I have been the first so far to bring up liability insurance, and to form an official type club if...
  6. F

    Colt 38 auto different safeties

    I am trying to do alittle research about the Colt 38 auto's made in the early 1900's. I do know the 1900 Colt 38 has the safety made into the rear sight, and it was later modified. As far as I know, this is the only Colt pistol that had this type of safety, am I correct? This conversation came...
  7. F

    protecting workplace, NC HB 650

    Since the passage of NC HB 650, I would like to discuss a few things here, providing the mods agree. There was a shooting over in Wilkes county NC that has tended to divide a few issues as far as public opinion from reading the comments. The details may be viewed on the local news website...
  8. F

    Getting Lasik, does it improve shooting any?

    Hey Folks, I just thought I would ask. I am getting Lasik (actually that new fangled wave-front lasik) in a couple of weeks. I have 2 problems that I hope it will correct (2 Dr's say it will) and that is 1, I have an astigmatism, and second, my uncorrected vision is around 20-300. I have worn...
  9. F

    NC Pistol Purchase Permit changes?

    Hey Folks... Just wanted to see someone could help clarify something...I bumped into an ATF inspector the other day, and he mentioned some changes coming to the pistol permit and the ccw coming in or around the end of the year. We were in a parking lot at the time and he didnt have any...