Search results

  1. R

    Ever discharge a firearm while using a decocker?

    On any gun equipped with a decocker has it ever failed and the gun discharged. I admit I feel a bit unnerved watching the hammer fall on a loaded chamber.
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    Most reliable pistol line?

    For the sake of discussion let's exclude all 1911 models as they all tend to malfunction frequently regardless of maker... I'm curious how people rate the reliability of expensive makers to those of less expensive makers. It could be interesting... My vote goes to ruger.
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    Most reliable pistol line?

    Most Reliable Pistol Line? For the sake of discussion let's exclude all 1911 models as they all tend to malfunction frequently regardless of maker... I'm curious how people rate the reliability of expensive makers to those of less expensive makers. It could be interesting... My vote goes to ruger.
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    Most Relaible Pistol Line?

    For the sake of discussion let's exclude all 1911 models as they all tend to malfunction frequently regardless of maker... My vote goes to ruger.
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    How do you change ballistic fingerprints?

    Having read about the government's desire to 'fingerprint' each new weapon and how futile it would be since they are easy to change I wonder how do you change them? What are the techniques for altering the fingerprints of various weapons such as pistols, revolvers, rfles, and shotguns. ANd how...
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    Camo day at school gets kid kicked out
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    Pentagon to moniter every purchase made by US citizens

    I saw there was a snipit about this on the 700 Club news today but I was at work during the broadcast and missed it. If anyone knows the details of this or if is just hype please respond, thanks.
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    Racism still popular in sports teams names

    Lets talk. Racism is real and blatently going on all over America. How do you deal with overt and casual racism in your life and in your community? How does it affect you? Have you ever been the victim of racists? Lately I've ben becoming more aware of casual racism in my community. Sports...
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    Norinco SKS inquiry

    Would these rifles be considered ok quality and what would be a fair price for one like new?
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    I won a NIB Kimber Polymer with night sights for 1cent on gunbroker!!!!!

    Here is the auction, and I got the confirmation email that I won it too!!! This has to be the best deal of all time, I just hope this guy doesn't give me too much of a problem with the selling price, I thinkn just to be fair'll give...
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    Colt Detective specials

    I'm considering buying one and would like user feedback on how the durability and price of a NIB, like new, and used condition. Thanks in advance for any responses.
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    Opinions wanted on remington centerfire pistol ammo

    Opinions wanted on remington centerfire istol ammo Is it quality or rubbish?
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    Nickle cased ammo as opposed to brass

    How does the nickle case effect storage? Can I store it as long as if was brass? What are the pros and cons of nickle?
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    Hammer mounted firing pin wiggle

    Is this normal. All of the used smith revolvers I look at have this wiggle on the firing pin when you touch it very hard, sort of like a springiness more than a wiggle and my 20 year old mod 67 does it too. Is it normal or should I be nervous about it?
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    Buying bullets .38 Spl LSWCHP +P

    I ordered 4 boxex of the Winchested super X from when they were on sale for 8.95 per box of 50 a couple months ago. I should have bought 30 boxes at that price because now I'm looking at other online ammo dealers and their prices are way higher than kieslers was...
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    S&W Performance Center guns

    I got my American Rifleman yesturday and I read the article they had praising their custom shop guns. Looking at some of the gun looks pretty tempting, especially the N frame 8-shot .357 mag they have in their catalog. I can not seem to locate prices on any of their performance models. Any idea...
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    What happened to the tube fed bolt .22's?

    I want a tube fed bolt .22 so I'll be able to shoot cb shorts to LR's. I went to the gun shop and they didn't even have one. They have bolt .22's but they were mag fed for crying out loud. What the heak. Did they stop making them or somthing?
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    Drunken ATF agent pulls gun on teens Indianola, Ia. - The head of the Iowa office of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms is being investigated on allegations that he drunkenly threatened a group of nine teenage pranksters Monday night with a loaded...
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    Federal Reserve questions...

    A Phone Call To The Fed From Dan Benham ©1988-2002 9-8-2 The following is a conversation with Mr. Ron Supinski of the Public Information Department of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank. This is an account of that conversation. CALLER - Mr. Supinski, does my...
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    Rabbit urology experiments

    I thought this was a fun article.