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  1. M

    dilemma about a semiauto and female

    Please let me prelude this post by explaining my current situation. I am recently engaged. My significant other is not familiar or interested in firearms. She knows that I own them and doesn't have a problem w/ them (she believes in the 2nd amendment), but she just doesn't really have any...
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    Teaching New Shooters

    I am currently in the process of "breaking in" my significant other to handgun shooting. The other night I let her try out the weapons that I had to see how they fit in her hand. The gun that she really liked was my glock 19. It fit her hand very well. My other semiautos were just to darn...
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    Springfield 1911a1 MIM question

    I recently purchased a Springfield 1911 loaded parkerized model. All this talk about MIM parts has me concerned. How can you tell if the parts are MIM? Mine was produced last year and has the rounded edges so it's not as snag prone or sharp. It also has Brazil stamped on the slide. Are MIM...
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    9mm's, the CZ-75b and hollowpoints

    After shooting the CZ-75, I know that the cz-75b seems to have good reliabilty feeding standard jacketed ammo, but how is it for feeding hollow point and defensive ammo? I'm looking for a good 9mm for defensive purposes. Since the CZ's price is right :) , I'd really like to get one. But I'd...
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    Snubbies - Sp101 I've been looking at snubbies and shopping around some. I've really fallen in love w/ the Ruger Sp101. Seems like a well made little machine. Since I'll mainly be using this little guy for personal protection (things have been hairy around here lately), I really wanted a...
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    9mm suggestions (thanks Maryland!!)

    I am currently torturing myself about which 9mm semiautomatic to buy before the end of the year is out. The Maryland congress has passed a law that basically makes it impossible to purchase a handgun next year. It must have "an internal safety device." Since they were very vague in their...
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    next rifle after .22

    I currently own a 10/22 and have become prificient w/ it. I would like to get another rifle of a larger caliber. I don't hunt and I'm more interested in getting something that could be used for longer range defense. Something like an AR-15. ( I guess most liberals would call what I want an...
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    Glock 21 or Ruger P90

    I have 600 bucks to spend max. on a .45 ACP semiauto for home defense. I don't want a used gun. I want a gun that works right out of the box. I went and rented the Glock 21 and the Ruger P90. Both were fine for me. Actually the G21 was a little better (I have long fingers). But I just like...
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    is the .40 a good trail round?

    I was looking through the new glock annual (Page 20, the article entitled "The Camper's Friend"), and one of the authors mentioned that he really like the .40, in particular the model 23, for use as protection in the woods. He feels that the .40 would give him adequate protection and...
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    CZ-75 or SIG 228?

    A friend of mine wants to get into shooting. He wants to get a 9mm. He wants a gun that is easy to maintain, reliable, durable, suitable for defense, and will last his lifetime of shooting (Who doesn't I told him? ;) ). I took him to the range and he liked the CZ-75b and the Sig 228. Money...
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    Still trying to decide on a 1911

    I posted a question about 1911 semiautos about a month ago. I really like the .45 ACP and the versatility it offers for defense. After doing some thinking and shooting, I've decided that I'd really like to get a 1911 for personal protection. I'd like to get a stainless model in either full...
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    .38 or .357 snubbie?

    Is it worth buying a .357 magnum snub nose if the main intent for the gun is to use .38 specials for personal / home defense?? I'd like to have the .357 as an option to shoot higher powered ammunition, but when I'm home I don't want to risk destroying my hearing (God forbid I ever have to use...
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    Semiauto for IDPA

    I would really like to get into IDPA shooting. I wanted to use a CZ-75 for shooting, but the mags do not fall free from the gun. A suggested fix was posted in my original post here:, but I'm not comfortable w/ doing that...
  14. M

    CZ-75b for IDPA???

    I would really like to get into IDPA shooting. After watching an IDPA match in the stock service division, it seems that glocks rule the field w/ some DA guns (beretta, Sig, and HK) making an appearance. I currently own a CZ-75bd and love the way it shoots. But I was told that I wouldn't do...
  15. M

    Are Springfield 1911's Proprietary?

    A friend of mine owns a Springfield Loaded and he recently got a trigger job / reliability job done on his weapon. It cost him a little more than a friend who had the same job recently done to his 1911. When he asked the gunsmith why it cost more than the other for the same work, the smith told...
  16. M

    help me choose a compact semiauto

    I currently own 6 handguns (2 .45's, 3 9mm's, and 1 .357 Mag). It's a race for me to add some things to my collection because of the internal lock laws that are coming to Maryland and because I plan on getting married soon (read between the lines here ;) ). All kidding aside, I do want to beat...
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    Sig questions

    I currently own a Sig 220. All the posts I'm reading about the Sig's propensity to rust has me a little concerned. How does rust affect the durability of a firearm? Does it make it less reliable or more prone to parts breakage or slide cracking or is it just something that affects the gun...
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    1911 for personal/home defense

    Trying to pickout a 1911 for personal protection and home defense can be difficult. It seems that the present offerings from Springfield, Kimber, Para Ordnance, etc. all seem to be geared to target shooting or competition shooting. I just read Chuck taylor's book "Combat Handgunnerey." I...
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    1 handgun only....

    1 hadgun only.... If you had to pick one gun as a personal defense gun what would it be and why? Personally I think I'd pick some sort of small 3" revolver like the SP101 .357 Mag. I think this gun does a wonderful job of covering most defense bases. First of all, it is relaible and the...
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    CZ Question - owners and enthusiasts wanted

    Thanks to all who participated in my poll: In response, I am leaning toward a Cz-75b or Cz-75BD. My main concern w/ CZ being such an apparently smaller comapany and less well known brand, is that parts and repair for the CZ...