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  1. T

    Glock chamber

    I know that there has been a lot of talk about Glock using an unsupported chamber, and I've seen photos describing this condition. But I recently purchased a G27 and from the looks of it, this chamber is fully supporting the brass - or at least appears to be. So what is the story? I read on...
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    Quite possibly my last trip to a local gun store

    Well, After another insulting trip to, this time, a local reloading store, I'd like to vent my frustration to you fellow TFL members. I walked into this guys' shop, and I wanted to purchase a new set of calipers. So I ask the guy if he has any calipers, he grunts "yes, the display case" -...
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    I thought this was funny

    Hey gents, pretty funny satire on 'box cutters' here: - sad thing is, I'm sure some of our fine elected officials have considered this. t-man
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    Lee Pro 1000 Questions

    Hey everybody, A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine loaned me his reloading equipment and gave me a run-down on reloading. His setup is manual (i.e. non progressive). Well, the past few weeks, I have really enjoyed reloading and I thought I would look into purchasing a press of my own...
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    I have Glock fever, need advice

    Hey everyone, Well, I've tried to avoid it as best as I can, but after reading Chuck Taylors book on combat hanguns, I want a Glock! So here is my thinking at this point. I already own a Ruger P95 9mm (love it) a Ruger P94 .40 caliber (love it) and a little KelTec P32 (love it too!). My...
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    Anyone need some spare targets?

    Use at your own discretion.... this prints out to about 7" high by 6" wide. I myself have printed out about 10 of these for some target practice this weekend. - enjoy! tman
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    Mec-Gar magazines

    Quick question. What kinds of experience have people had with this brand of magazine? - especially related to pre-ban 9mm ruger p-series pistols. There is a 17 rounder available and I don't want to throw any money in the trash! thanks! tman
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    Some Ruger Questions

    Howdy folks! After being such a happy owner of a Ruger p94 (.40), I decided to purchase myself a Ruger P95 9mm. The polymer frame and the availablity of hi cap mags was just too hard to resist! Well, I got the gun used and I really like it. I noticed a couple of things that I was wondering if...
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    Quick question

    What is exactly 'dry cycling'? Is it where you have a fully loaded pistol and you basically pull the slide back to eject the round in the chamber but you allow the next round to be chambered and then 'cycle' it out - thus emptying the entire magazine? I'm assuming this is a way to test if you...
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    Did anyone see this on television?

    Hey you guys, I'm hoping this isn't quite off topic, but I saw something on that show "world's scariest police chases" that I was hoping some of you saw too (I love those shows!). It was the one where this guy is wrestling with this LEO and his K9 dog on the ground while being videotaped from...
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    Some questions about my Keltec p32

    Hey everyone, I had bought a Keltec p32 about a week and a half ago and finally got to take it to the range on Monday. I have a few questions for some people who have had a little more experience with this pistol. Here is what happened: - first of all, the pistol shoots really nice, and...
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    General Questions regarding Keltec p32

    Okay, I'm going to do it. I have been reading all of the threads regarding mouseguns, pocket pistols, etc and have decided to start saving for a Keltec P32 (yea!) - I chose the P32 over the p11 because of weight, and that my typical travels do not place me in a lot of dangerous places (i.e. I...
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    Ammunition question

    Howdy folks, Can anyone tell me what they recommend for the .40 cal S & W fmj ammo? I'm shooting it through a Ruger P94. I'm looking for the fastest bullet I can find, with the most penetration (although reliability has to be at the top of the list). I'm pretty interested in the whole topic...
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    Magizines for the Ruger P94

    Here I go again with more questions first question: Does anyone know if there are high cap magazines for the Ruger p94 .40 cal - and if so, who sells them (pre-Clinton used I'm guessing)? I'm assuming the most you would be able to get into the magazines would be about 12 - just wondering...
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    Magazine Spring Life

    Hello all! I'm new to this forum, and relatively new to gun ownership/technology, etc. It's nice to see such a well run-polite bunch of people! So anyway, as a very happy owner of a Ruger P94 (.40 cal), which I'm very satisfied with, I had a question that one of my more gun saavy friends...