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  1. R

    Stand Your Ground in Florida - Brandishing and Warning Shots??

    Just read this in the Orlando Sentinel, a Central Florida state congressman wants to broaden Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law to include immunity for brandishing your weapon and/or firing a warning shot, the idea for both being that it would scare away your attacker. Terrible idea in my...
  2. R

    Not understanding the ammo runup and auctions

    Feeling that I have more than enough ammo for my purposes I thought I'd take a look at Gunbroker and get some market info for getting into the mix. I was seeing a buck a round for .223 (Federal 55gr FMJ AE223J) and right now the highest I've seen is an active auction that ends in 12 hours...
  3. R

    Open carrying an AK-47

    Just found this, I'm all for open carry and understand open carry events and the overall strategy of getting the public "used to" seeing pistols openly carried, but does anyone else agree that this guy is maybe jumped a little too far ahead in the game? PS Overall I think the police handled the...
  4. R

    Handgun purchase question

    Another thread brought me to ask this question....... What would you do to rectify a situation where you unknowingly illegally purchased a handgun? Hypothetically speaking, say an acquaintance traveled to your state with the handgun and you paid for it and took possession at that time. In...
  5. R

    Home search?

    I've read a few times in the past that ATF has the "right" to search your home if you have a registered Title II firearm/etc. as a private individual. Two questions: 1. Is it true? Have you somehow given up your 4th amendment rights once you legally own a T2 item? 2. Whether true or not...
  6. R

    HD Shotgun: Standard or Pistol Grip

    I'm going to be purchasing a shotgun for HD purposes (probably a Mossberg M590). Any opinions on the tactical effectiveness of a pistol grip vs. a standard setup in an HD situation? TIA! Raisitup