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  1. H


    I'm trying to find out if I can bring home a bayonet for my K-31 if I get to go to Switzerland. Can it be carried in "checked" luggage? Can it,( would it be better), to send it via UPS? Is it better to not try at all? just curious. Thanks in advance for any info on this! Mark.
  2. H

    200 yds , pistol, off hand...

    ...well thats just not gonna' happen. At least not for me...and my vision. :D I did make a range trip today (3/13) and had a good time. just for fun I put a cardboard target (3'X4'). Taped a balloon to it and took 14 shots to pop that thing. No...I'll never get a contract from an ammo co. as a...
  3. H

    Parking Lot Observation

    Pulled into Sam'S, in Rivergate(Goodlettsville, Tn.) this evening. I noticed two guys walking toward the car...not focused on me...just seemed to be passing to their car. The second man was on the phone. Wife and I wait for them to pass and I opened the door after I saw them in my rear-view...
  4. H

    Weapon access while in the car.

    I find it almost impossable to draw while seated in a car or truck. The next time I'm at my Dad's farm I'm spending most of my practice on this problem.I'm left handed, carry IWB, and its too far behind me...the seat belt is in the elbow is obstructed by the seat/door...and other...
  5. H

    cleaning Win. mod 24 action

    I've got a shotgun that hasn't been cleaned in years. The safty is very stiff and I've gotten several missfires (right side) that showed light firing pin strike.I'm thinking there may be enough crud in there to intertfere with proper function. This gun belonged to my Father in law, and I'm sure...
  6. H

    7.7 Arisaka fieldstrip?

    My uncle wants me to clean his rifle...but I've never seen one of these. I've got a '98 Mauser and a '03 Springfield. Is it very much different from these two? If its close I'll be able to figure it out...but if its kind of odd ball I'll get stuck. I'd really like to finish the job and get it...