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    Jury needed collective brain transplant

    This is a story that will leave you speechless on several levels. Note the victim continued to be shot through a door. October 23, 2002 Ex-cop offers apology to family Sister of slain assistant chief says verdict unbelievable By Jimmie E. Gates In his first...
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    Terrorist victim compensation

    If Williams/Muhammad is ultimately deemed a "terrorist" will this qualify the victim families to receive the average $1.8 million allocated to each WTC family (and which Oklahoma City survivors and others are asking for)? Victim compensation is a slippery slope.
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    French army marksman AWOL in US

    As reported : French Soldier Missing in N. America France Says Marksman Missing in North America, Fueling Speculation Over Link to Sniper Killings The Associated Press P A R I S, Oct. 21 — France has alerted Interpol about a French army deserter who is known as a marksman and is missing in...
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    "The bow just went off by itself."

    Here is a story about a certifiable moron. _______________________________________________ Father was warned before shooting daughter with arrow Associated Press Last updated 01:07 PM, EST, Wednesday, September 25, 2002 munfonrctd MUNCIE, Ind. (AP) -- A man who accidentally fired an...
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    Saddam Battle Plan?! Says who?

    Rather abruptly we are hearing more about a plan to get rid of Saddam Hussein, using perhaps 250,000 ground troops. Has anyone heard any substantive info about why the Iraqi invasion has taken on new immediacy? Any information about how we are to do this without the Desert Storm coalition...
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    Joe Foss got no respect

    When General Joe Foss was recently blocked by airport security personnel in Phoenix and challenged about the Medal of Honor he was carrying, the incident said more about the ignorance of the people protecting our airport security than it did about their alertness. Apparently the sight of an...
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    wtc hush money

    Continued debate over an "equitable" formula for disbursing billions to survivor families of the World Trade Center begs the question: why are these unfortunate families entitled to taxpayer handouts at all? The purpose of life insurance is to protect against financial calamity, and life...
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    WTC hush money

    The WTC victims families compensation formula calls for about $4.5 billion to be paid. The average payout will be $1.6 million and theoretically as much as $3 million, depending on the deceased's age, income, lifetime earnings expectation and size of family. The payout is dependant on the...
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    Marine officer uniforms too costly?

    I won't argue with the tradition that Marine officers buy their own uniforms. I believe Naval officers do as well. But do any ex Marine officers have any thoughts about the cost? Aren't the utilities and boots and dress uniforms inordinately expnsive?! I think a set of service alphas- the...
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    New kind of butt pad

    I bought a recoil pad from S&W that is some kind of entirely new material and wondered if anyone else has tried one. It is made of "molecuthane" and has excellent cushioning properties. It is suppposed to be self adhesive so you can just stick it on your shirt or jacket but that didn't work...
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    What to expect at Quantico?

    My son is scheduled to leave Sunday for Quantico for Marines OCS. He has been training hard for more than a year, and recently got shin splints. He now cannot run far or well. What do you think his chances are of completing OCS? He can always go back in January when he graduates from...
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    eye dominance

    Regarding dominant eye aiming: I am right handed but left eye dominant. I typically hold with my strong side hand and close my left (dominant) eye. I haven't practiced shooting with my left hand to any extent. (And when shooting a rifle I will necessarily continue shutting my left eye.) How...
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    S&W company for sale

    AP announced that S&W is up for sale by its British owners, with an expected selling price of $160 million. I personally don't have that muuch liquidity right now, but if several of us pool our money we could own our own gun factory. Send your checks to me asap.
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    Oops- sorry, Charlie.

    Reuters reports that one of Prince Charles' guards had an accidental discharge of his Glock, which apparently whanged off the floor and out a window. "A Spokesman" discounted the incident and said the AD occurred in a room designated for firearms handling. Be that as it may, I think somebody...
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    Dr. Laura advocates carry

    Dr. Laura Schlesinger's column Sunday will surely stir up some heated debate-- which may have been her intent. She said (and I paraphrase) that the recent shootings in Atlanta clearly demonstrated the merit of being armed. If one of the people in the office building where the intitial killings...
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    FN FAL: what do you think?

    I bought an FN FAL 7.62 today, knowing little about this rifle except its general history. I trusted my gunshop, as they have not yet steered me wrong. Any thoughts about its shootability and reliability would be appreciated. I paid $750 for it, hoping it is a reasonable alternative to an...
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    Gunshows: what's the law?

    Would someone please educate me on the law concerning gunshow purchases. I've only been to a couple shows, and having a CCW, I was able to leave with my firearms purchases. What must the average bloke do if buying a gunshow long gun? A handgun?
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    SKS: buy one, or not?

    I want to buy an SKS-- I think-- and have found several for sale on the 'net. One is listed by Ellison's as a virtually new Chinese SKS, @$250. I may ask my dealer to find one for me, alternately, not to exceed $300. What is your experience with this firearm? Is it a reliable farm gun? (I...
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    Varmit gun suggestions?

    I would like to hear recommendations for a varmit gun for our farm. I have various milsup rifles, in .308 and 8mm, but that's overkill, and several .22s, but that seems underkill for racoons and coyotes. I have an M1 carbine, but that doesn't strike me as The One, either. I need something with...
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    shooting range design

    I want to set up an outdoor range on our farm, for personal use. I have plenty of space and would think a 200 yard range sufficient for pistol and rifle target shooting. Can anyone offer a suggestion as to design and materials used for the target area-- how much dirt, height, etc? The area is...