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  1. W

    W.R. tests Glockmeister's Competition trigger system

    For those of you that own a Glock and have been thinking of upgrading your Glocks trigger here is my own evaluation of one that I tested in my own Glock 17. I like most people basically use a Glock for recreational weekend shooting. The pistol's light weight, top heaviness, heavy trigger pull...
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    The Military's new philosophy on handguns

    In the begining of time the" God-Father" of the automatic pistol, "John Browning" invented the most perfect combat pistol the world had ever seen or will likely ever see again. The 1911 .45 was an all steel extremely rugged handgun that remained in our government inventories for 85 years. The...
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    20 handguns tested for ignition reliablity. See which ones passed or failed.

    After my suprising test of 3 Glock pistols for ignition reliability all of which failed the test I began to wonder if all striker fired weapons were inferior and if all hammer guns were superior in terms of ignition reliability. Well I decided to find out before trusting any of these weapons...
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    Should you practice with your self defense gun? Answer Absolutely not.

    Practicing with a gun that you may have to rely on to save your life is an extremely bad idea. Weapons are machines and subject to failure from wear and tear. As a matter of fact even some manufactures warn that their pistols may only be funtional for so many rounds. This is very evident in...
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    Glock Flunks Reliability Test

    Glock Flunks Reliability Test,1911 Passes Question: Are hammer firing pistols more reliable than the striker fired weapons such as found on the Glock. I performed a reliability test to find out. Last week I headed to the Range to Test fire a 1911 Colt after I had installed some new Wolf...
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    Beretta documentation for Shake

    You asked for Beretta documentation on blow ups. Well here it is . See the thread Beretta Barrels Unsupported ala Glock? W.R.
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    Ultra-mag lunacy at Remington

    The folks at Remington have done it again. To boost lagging sales their lastest brain child is an entire bevy of ultra-mag cartridges both traditional long and non-tradtional short magnums. This is probably the largest new batch of calibers introduced ever at one time. Sales must really be...
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    New John Browning Book

    I heartily recommend the new John Browning book, John Browning, American Gunmaker by John Browning (his son) available from your Browning Dealer. I just finished reading it and it brought back many memories. I first read the life story of John Browning many, many years ago and this new updated...
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    3 explosions,3 mfgs.guns,in 40S&W

    When posting on various gun related sites I have made no attempt to hide my dislike of the 40 S&W cartridge. I have always considered it the worst of both worlds. Low capacity, high recoil, short service life of the weapon, poor accuracy due to heavy recoil and the human reaction to it. In short...
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    Did John Browning or Gaston Glock really exist?

    While driving in my automobile yesterday I heard a very shocking story about Gaston Glock from none other than Paul Hartley. As unbelievable as it sounds it is supposedly true. Paul said that he had received a letter from a man who worked at the Glock factory in Austria claiming that Gaston...
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    deafness and the .22 rim fire

    For all those who may have missed the article published many years ago on deafness and the danger from the .22 rimfire. The 22. rimfire according to some doctors is far more dangerous to hearing than the high power rifle. An extremely loud noise will somewhat partially close us the valve in...
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    Gunzines fake new Sig P210 tests

    As most of you already know there will soon be for sale new Sig P210 pistols. None have arrived as of yet in this country. The Gun Magazines already have run articles on this pistol. If you look at the pictures of the new pistols on the internet and then look at the pictures of the pistols in...
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    New Poymer High Power

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have some information on a new polymer high power that FN will soon be producing. The new high power will have a polymer frame with 4 carbide buttons imbedded in the frame of the weapon. The polymer frame will be...