Search results

  1. S

    Range Session and Inventory App

    I have provided some very good apps for our community since June 2011. Well 2020 is causing me to work and focus on my day job. I am sharing the message below. Apple has a requirement that all apps must support all screen sizes and use other aspects of iOS 13 by June 30, 2020. The Gun Log apps...
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    Glock 43x

    I found the right 9mm for my wife, and I like it too. My wife carries a S&W J-Frame in .22 Magnum while jogging and such. She has shot my various CZ's and while she shot them ok, she was not able to be consistent while chambering a round. The BHP's have more purchase, but the springs are even...
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    What have we learned in 10 years

    What have we learned over the past 10 years? Take yourself back to 2008. I posted this on another forum and within 4 posts it had turned into a rant about voting. No one shared any wisdom about their firearms and other choices. Maybe this forum will go better. The firearm industry grew from...
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    G Forces from 9mm 357 44

    For Thanksgiving I was able to go home to the farm. I had my brother break out his Security 6 and Super Black Hawk. I compared them to a CZ 75. I will let the images do the talking. 9mm - 6.5 G 357 Magnum - 11 G 44 Magnum - 17.5 G I forgot what the loads were on the 357 and 44...
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    Watch Force

    I have developed an Apple Watch app called WatchForce. I wanted to record the motion and forces an Apple Watch can detect via the accelerometer and gyroscopes. I have used this app on thrill rides and roller coasters, AND I have used it while shooting pistols. Here is the G-Forces recorded...
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    Perceived Recoil

    I have been doing some research into perceived recoil. I just shot the Glock 43 and the S&W M&P 9 Shield, each one 100 rounds. I shot five rounds in one and then the other, over and over. The "guy at the range" said that most people say the Glock 43 kicks harder than the S&W M&P 9 Shield. But...
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    CZ 527 .223 Rem at 100 and 200 yards

    I hadn't shot the CZ 527 .223 Rem for quite a while. So, here are 15 shots. We were shooting off a rest. Not really good groups but not bad. Each group was a 5 shot group. Time between shots were just the time to cycle the bolt and find the target again. American Eagle 55 GR FMJ Pulled one...
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    Colt 1860 Army

    A good friend showed me his Colt 1860 Army. It was his grand father's and has been handed down. He is going to give it to one of his children soon and asked what it was worth. I said I don't know but I would ask around. One of his boys made a display box and put a note in it on what they know...
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    Sierra bullet shortage?

    I went to two gun stores Saturday. The first, which always has several shelves of supplies, had no Sierra bullets. I looked up and down all the shelves and could find no little green boxes anywhere. Did they change their color? I don't think so. They had plenty of everything in stock, powder...
  10. S

    Would you laugh in the face of a .380

    This is the counterpart of this thread: So, if you were on the wrong end of a pistol and you recognized that the pistol is a .380, would you laugh and go ahead and proceed to attack the person? (I know, the barrel diameter is the same as...
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    CZ SP-01 First Shots

    Here is a report on my new CZ SP-01. I was just testing functionality and reliability. I will have to go another time and see how well I can shoot it. The range is rather dark and my old eyes can't see good in there. I am going to have to have them put in more lighting or find a new place to...
  12. S

    Thank you all, I am very blessed...

    Well, after paying taxes, business license fees, Apple developer fees, etc, etc, etc... I took my profits from my Gun Log apps and got something fun, well a couple of fun things. I would like to thank all of those that helped pay for these nice firearms. As I have said, I wrote the Gun...
  13. S

    Montana Rifle Company will now make a rifle in 6.5 Creedmoor

    In my search to find a 6.5 Creedmoor with the features I like, I emailed many manufacturers and builders. I recently got an email from Larry at Montana Firearms Group. Here is what he said: That is very exciting news! What I like about their offerings is the action is similar to a pre-64...
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    The Savage Accutrigger - do you love it or hate it?

    I am doing some research on a specific cartridge and Savage has many models available. I have never pulled a trigger on a Savage. I have a CZ bolt action and a Browning BAR Safari. Do you like the accutrigger? Why? Do you dislike the accutrigger? Why?
  15. S

    Understanding Crimping with Seating Die

    I have to know how things work. Being new to reloading I spent some time recently trying to get a proper crimp on my .223 rounds. I know, many say it isn't needed, but I wanted to learn how to do it. Yes I buckled a couple of shoulders. I couldn't figure out why that happens. I tried to imagine...
  16. S

    RCBS Chargemaster from Natchez. Good Deal and Delivered on Time

    This is the first time I have ordered from Natchez Shooters Supply. I placed the order on March 5th and they said it would be here March 17th, and it is here. I thought it was a good deal at $290.00, so I am just spreading the word about the deal and that I have no complaints with Natchez and...
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    Free ballistics calculator for iOS

    This app is my way of saying thank you to the shooting community for all of the advice and help I have received over the years from The Firing Line and other sources on the internet. it is called BallisticsGL. It is a ballistics calculator that I wrote myself. It is not a replacement for the...
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    Should a Small Base Die be able to set the shoulder back too far?

    FYI: Everything is RCBS. Rock Chucker Supreme kit, RCBS shell older, RCBS .223 REM small base die set. Is my resizing die or shell holder out of spec? Here is why I ask. I put the shell holder in, run the ram to the top. Screw in the resizing die until it touched and then tightened it 1/8th to...
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    Share a photo of your target and tell your story about it!

    I like to see photos of targets and here the details around the results. Maybe it is a particularly tight group or maybe it was your best rapid fire, or maybe it is your worst and you get a good laugh from it. Here are a couple of mine. First is a nice group shooting the CZ 85B. I bought the...
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    Browning 1911-22LR Range Report

    Went to the range today and took a few handguns. I warmed up shooting the Browning 1911-22LR. I have been fortunate to find .22LR at normal prices and so I ran 50 rounds through the pistol. The sights are very hard for me to see and the firearm is so light that trigger control is an effort...