Search results

  1. M

    Tahmooressi in Mexico Prison vs Bundy Ranch

    Thousands showed up to support, protect & force an outcome at the Bundy Ranch. Now, since about April 1st, Marine Andrew Tahmooressi has been held in a Mexican prison for no real reason. He was forced into Mexico. He could have simply been ushered the other direction as he asked. Barrak...
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    S&W M&P good? Need first 9mm. Help.

    My future son-in-law is about to buy his first gun and it's to be a 9mm. It's for home defense for him. I'm just glad he's getting interested in guns as I'm a total gNut. I only know 22's and 45's & we are supposed to go do this in a couple days! I told him to get a S&W M&P 9mm Full Size. A...
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    AZ GunShows. What are they like?

    I'm new to AZ and plan to attend the show coming up in Kingman. I've been to shows in Oregon, Reno NV & California. Each of these are run quite differently. Calif, no sales at all. Oregon now requires paperwork on all sales, but is quick and easy at the show. Reno seems to have no rules. -...
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    pDog places to go - Southern WY.

    Two of us are leaving Sunday for a 9 day road trip. We want to shoot pDogs and hunt Coyote. We plan to look for places to hunt starting Elko, NV and spend 3 days in Southern WY. Then hunt our way back. Anyone know of private land we can contact in the southern half of WY? We need to line up...
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    Guess I'm a Drug Dealer Too.

    We're all criminals. If you disagree, you're uninformed. Today, I broke the speed limit by a few miles an hour on every road I traveled. I rolled through several stop signs. They're every 5 feet & I don't have the patience. I illegally worked on my car in the driveway and sprayed toxic...
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    Free Targets to download

    I've searched the web for targets and most sites aren't done well. So, I added a page to my site. Email me any additional targets that should be included. Go to Then, choose "Resources ", then "Targets ".
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    Mandatory ID System Launched Despite Opposition

    Sorry no link. From trusted ----------------------- Japan Mandatory ID System Launched Despite Opposition Despite protests by academicians and citizen activists, Japan has launched a compulsory identification system that will assign each of its Japanese citizens an 11-digit...
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    "Urban Operations" Military Web Site

    I found this great web site with a lot of info aimed at educating our military about Urban Warfare. The target audience is members of the military. (& Militia? :D) Whether a military buff or preparing for militia duties after "red dawn" or for resistance against a gov't run amock, some usefull...
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    Guerilla Warfare Books. Read any?

    Guerrilla Warfare Books. Read any? I want to order two books that cover guerilla warfare as well as tactics of small forces against larger forces. Has anyone read several and can offer comments on which to get? Thanks. Amazon Search: I tried to put them in order of preference, which without...
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    Best 9mm Full Size. Help me rank them.

    I don't have a 9mm, just a 1911 & several .22lr. My neighbor's cousin just asked me what's a good 9mm. I told him to buy a Mark II 512 and then spend time narrowing his 9mm list and then go rent his 3 favorites. I agreed with 9mm because ammo is so much cheaper and it should be easier to...
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    Marlin Model 99 M1 .22lr

    A client was gracious enough to give me this rifle to use for training new shooters. I am curious to know anything more about it. It is a Marlin Model 99 M1. It's a .22lr tube fed that is made to look like an M1 Carbine. Thanks for any info.
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    Grandma Beats Up Airport Security Guards

    I can't board with my pocket knife any more. The pilots are not allowed to protect us. Let's hire Granny to head up airport security. She is smarter and more bold than our current leaders. The story is fantasy, but a good one. Grandma...
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    Donations & letter writing help, but temporary...

    When we write letters & make donations to GOA / NRA, we are at least showing up to fight the battles. However, all we can possibly accomplish are temporary reprieves. Likely we will also always continue to slide downhill over time. The only way to win in the long term is also the most...
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    Why do governments want to outlaw our guns?

    Back in 1950 there were few gun laws and the tax rates were pennies compared to today. Yet, Ayn Rand knew what evil forces drives government to confiscate our arms. Where did she learn that? Her earlier life in Russia, or Hitler? She saw it happening here as well. How insightful. Ayn on...
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    You who Despise California, read this.

    Ashcroft Petitions by State For all who bash California as being the most anti RKBA state around... Why didn't you guys all work a little on the Ashcroft Petition? Why is lil ole Louisianna #2???? --------- edited...
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    RKBA Challenge Web Site. New & ready for your critique

    I just made a web site. Only the 2nd one I've made... Please post or email suggestions to make it more on-point, corrections and additions. This is supposed to be a group project. Any critique of the concept, etc is also welcome. Ready, Aim, Fire!!!
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    Help: Gun Safety/Use videos

    I want to buy several videos explaining safe handling of firearms and how to use them. I would be buying these to lend to new shooters that I'm trying to indoctrinate, I mean educate into being pro-gun. The only thing I've found so far is the SafetyOn Software . Has anyone seen any other...
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    Intruder Tactics? Don't shoot the wrong guy!

    Last night, I was awakened at 3:45am from an intruder half way through my sliding glass bedroom door. I LEVITATED through the air and stopped just shy of landing a fist from hell upon them. I remember not recognizing my voice and later asked my wife what I yelled and she said it was...
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    Belgium Gun Rights / Response

    I sent the following to someone in Belgium that I met on the internet in re a stock we invest in: >>What is firearm ownership like in Belgium, verboten? Belgium is / was home to the best metal engravers for firearm decoration and I think were / are producing extra high quality firearms.<< His...
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    Help, Need Artwork & Verbage for Plaque for KY Woman.

    POST# 90982 KY woman shoots child molestor. Someone come up with the artwork & I will get a plaque made, pay for it and send it to her. We can do this again with future actions like this. Let's make up half a dozen such designs and keep sending them out. Please post good suggestions for...