Search results

  1. J

    "Medium" 357?

    I would like very much to have a .357 magnum for CC that is smaller than the ones designed to scare your opponent half to death from looking at it. But I do NOT want a cute little feather gun like the SP101. A 4 inch barrel is fine as long as it doesn't have an iron phallic symbol parked on top...
  2. J

    Why .45?

    This isn't about the old "Get a bigger gun" adage, but something that just crossed my mind. Back in 1911 - or rather the years immediately before 1911 - just what was it that made Browning pick .45 for the caliber? If you don't get my drift I'll ask it another way. Why didn't he pick .46 for...
  3. J

    Grip length puzzle

    This is not a criticism, rather an honest question. I was looking specifically at the S&W M&P full size and compact when I noticed that quite a few people are getting the M&P compact then putting an inch or more of extension on it by way of something like the X-Grip. Given that barrel length...
  4. J

    Trigger finger use poll

    Some instructors say the best way to pull a trigger is with the pad on the end of your trigger finger. Some instructors say the best way to pull a trigger is with the first joint of your trigger finger. Assuming you are _ABLE_ to reach the trigger with your joint, what do you use, pad or...
  5. J

    The Bisley Code

    Much as I've looked for a definitive answer I still don't know for certain what the term "Bisley" means as applied to revolvers. I've come across 3 different answers given as authoritatively as if the proponents had invented all guns and ammo. Perhaps here I can get a couple more definitions...
  6. J

    The philosophy of caliber

    I don't mean this to be a brand comment, altho it has that element. But what is a good handgun caliber? .22? 9mm? .50? Usually you'll hear "the bigger the better" from some quarters. I myself shoot a .22 _and_ .45. Mostly I think I got the .22 because it was cool to hold - a very nice...
  7. J

    A vision thing

    A recent comment spoke of different things that will develop when you are actually in this or that gun fight situation. It reminded me of something I've wondered about for a while - the tunnel vision effect. An Ayoob article spoke of a LEO who was so focused on the fight that he either didn't...
  8. J

    Affecting accuracy

    I'm going to ask what some will consider a ridiculous question. Assume: You want to give a middle caliber semi-automatic handgun with, say, a 3 1/2 inch barrel an accuracy treatment. Assume: You must start with the barrel, giving it the greatest metaphorical "weight" in the customizing...
  9. J

    Creepy triggers

    I guess it's about time I ask what on earth people mean exactly when they talk about trigger "creep." :confused: My cat creeps under the porch, but my triggers stay right with the guns. :D BTW, it's nice to have a relatively unbiased group here. I can get absolutely nothing out of the forum...
  10. J


    Does it really mean something when someone says, "I'm going to buy an MOA?" JimL
  11. J

    Ghost rings

    I see that ghost ring rear sights are available for hand guns. Anybody here use them? Do they actually "ghost" that far from your eye? Or is that just borrowed words to hype an ad?
  12. J

    Here I go, reading again.

    A .45 ACP that, quote, "stops attackers faster than any other ammunition in the world." Quite a claim. The bullet has 68 grains of shot. The muzzle velocity is 2260 fps. Only $2.13 per round at Cheaper Than Dirt. Does everybody know exactly what I'm talking about without me naming it? Am I...
  13. J

    Middle of back carry

    Some people say a middle of back carry is a good way to get your back broken. Having said that... If folks here use the MOB carry I'd like to know if they carry it "handle" down or up. (Or Thomas Magnum style - no holster!) I just saw one advertised that put the slide just above the belt...
  14. J

    Opinion or fact?

    I was reading a training article by someone declared to be famous and experienced (30 + years) as an LE and trainer. He impressed me by saying early on that real world gun fights had almost nothing in common with competitive shooting. (You do, of course, point and shoot in both.) As I went...
  15. J

    SP101 grips

    I'm thinking seriously of getting an SP101 .357. A .357 has a wide ranging diet, but I'm thinking particularly of occasions when I would shoot .357 magnums. Do any folks here have comments on how the SP101 .357 does with .357's and the factory grips. Many have commented on the LCR grips...
  16. J

    Imagination question

    I'm fairly sure there is such a thing as a .357 SIG +P ammo. Has there ever been any such thing as a .357 magnum +P revolver cartridge. (I have a pretty good idea what that question sounds like to some folks.:p)
  17. J

    POA variations

    OK, perhaps I shouldn't have spent genuine money on a cheap .22 pistol, but I'm the adventurous type. I have the Phoenix HP22A with extended magazines and 5 inch barrel. (It's only one of several handguns I own up to .45.) Maybe I'm just dumb, but I have a problem understanding why the POI...
  18. J

    P38 metal

    Are there any Walther P38s with modern metals that can take such as +P?
  19. J

    Bullet integrity

    Hollow point bullets of the past were frequently known to break up, lose their jackets or distort badly. More recent engineering has been aimed at producing bullets that maintain their integrity while expanding to a size that "gets the job done." Although some photos of retrieved bullets are...
  20. J

    Short barrel loads

    I read a lot about new cartridges such as .327 that are said to have less recoil because of a special propellant. Do fast burning powders always cause less recoil than slow powders? If so, why don't all cartridges use them?