Search results

  1. D

    Hog hunting help.

    The man that owns our lease is having a problem with hogs this year. He sub-leases the land to another farmer. This year hogs ruined a wheat crop and about half of a corn crop. The farmers have been setting pins and baiting (which is legal here in SC.). We were going to hunt them at night over...
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    Selling ammunition

    This is what I have.
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    Selling ammunition

    I have tried to do a few internet searches on this, but my only real internet connection is at work. I can catch a couple of breaks, but not enough time to read all the information attempting to answer my question. I have decided to take the lazy approach and ask for help here. My situation: I...
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    300 Win mag bullets

    What do those of you who shoot this caliber use for a hunting bullet, and if different, a practice bullet? Do you load them differently?
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    Bullet question.

    I'm reading The ABC's of Reloading. I am in the section on bullet casting. The book covers lubricating the bullets. I do not plan to cast my own bullets, just buy them. Will I need to lubricate these bullets or do the makers do that when they size them?
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    This is daunting.

    I purchased my first high powered rifle this year. After a couple boxes of ammunition at over thirty dollars a box. I am realizing shooting this beast is getting expensive. So I'm thinking about getting into reloading. I'm shooting a Remington 770 chambered in 300 Winchester Magnum. (I...
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    Have I found a good value?

    I was browsing through my local pawn shop and happened across a Winchester Model 70 30-06 with scope for $399.00. I did a brief search on Gun Broker and the prices are on average well above that mark for a rifle alone. The gun was used but clean, with a bright bore and smooth action...
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    Spring rituals?

    Its finally spring time.:D I have a ritual I go through every year at this time. I take out and clean all my outdoor equipment. Everything from my back packs, camping gear, fishing reels and rods, to my guns. Yes I get my two guns out and go over them with a cloth, and check them out, even if I...
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    Any love for old.22s here?

    Pics of mine.
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    Auction site question

    Has anyone here used Auction Arms? I have seen some items on there I would like to bid on, but would like to have some feedback before I try to do anything online.
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    Mosin question

    I was watching something the other day on the History Channel about extreme marksmanship. They had a section about the Finnish and Soviet snipers with their huge kill count (I imagine due mostly to the winter and a target rich environment.). So how good is a Mosin, fresh out of the cosmoline? I...
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    Does anyone keep a NFA weapon for HD?

    I got to thinking about that over the weekend. Would there be any legal ramifications for doing such if the need ever arose to use it? I realize for most people it would not be practical, especially those who live in areas where over penetration may be of concern. But for the sake of the...
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    Fox news on Starbucks,2933,587938,00.html I love this picture! What kind of gun is it though? Just wanted to add this. I'm not interested in a discussion about the article. I believe we have two or three threads on the topic already. I just am curious about the pistol. Is that a 1911...
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    What exactly makes a 1911 a 1911?

    The title says it all. What are the charastics that make a pistol a 1911? Is it that its a single action hammer fired semi-automatic? The use of a thumb saftey as well as a grip safety? The dimensions, or just the shape? Does it have to have all of those features? Are they all called 1911 in...
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    M4 accessories

    I saw this and thought it was funny. Then I really got to looking. Are there really that many accessories for a M4?
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    I need advice

    I have a soon to be step daughter. She is 9 years old, and terrified of guns. I want to teach her the proper respect for guns. I want her to understand how important they are, and eventually have her shoot some herself. I'm not trying to force her into it. I'm not trying to push her into...
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    Seriously?,2933,585807,00.html?loomia_ow=t0:s0:a4:g4:r4:c0.000000:b0:z5 Is this guy for real? I believe a nice e-mail campaign to the Sheriffs' office is in order. This man is hired to uphold the law regardless of his personal beliefs. If you care to comment...
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    Glock question

    This question shows how little I know about handguns. I just got my copy of Annual Glock. So I'm sitting here looking at pics of the new G22 RTF2. There is a sliding switch just above the trigger. Now, is the mag release button on the grip even with the bottom of the trigger guard, and the...
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    Interesting offer

    I guy I work with and I were talking guns today. He tells me that he has a .25-06 breech loader he will sell for $200.00. I don't know the make, he is going to bring it in for me to look at tomorrow. What do I need to know when looking at this gun? I know I need to check the condition of the...
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    Rifle suggestions

    I want to try to buy a rifle this year before hunting season. I'm not looking for anything top shelf, just a good solid performer. I'm not concerned with it being pretty, as I have never heard of a deer or hog dying due to a rifles' stunning looks. I would like a bolt action .308. My max range...