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    HK's biggest blunder yet ??

    Wait till you get a look at their latest patent. :barf:
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    ND injury- this could be any of us

    I am a firm believer that while bad things may happen to good people, we can all get some good from the lessons that may be learned from the bad things. As I write this I have just returned from a local hospital where a close friend has spent the last 7 hours, much of it in excruciating pain...
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    Attention API list members

    Fellow Ravens, Please note that Fr. Frog has informed me that the API list is down due to a major server problem, which is being worked on. Just in case you were wondering why so quiet lately. DVC
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    Springfield TRP SS Review (lengthy)

    After a week of Gunsite training using an HK USP Compact .45, I had a lengthy discussion with one of my instructors, Ed Head, and the upshot was a decision to switch over to a full size 1911. Even though I did reasonably well with the HK, it isn't as easy to shoot well as a 1911 or even a...
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    Speaks for itself... Let's see... 1000 people per month... that's what- 167 people on-site for five days at a time, seven days a week, just for this course ! Fascinating stuff and a very... interesting writing style too. :eek: For any of you Phil Hendrie fans out...
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    Share your elephant story

    I was having a conversation about "close calls" with some friends today and thought it might be interesting to share some stories. Here's mine. Didn't quite see the elephant, but this was close enough for me. Heading into Tijuana with an engineering assistant to calibrate a new piece of...
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    OICW news

    This answer in search of a question seems to be moving forward.
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    Common sense....isn't.

    I have thought long and hard before posting this. I will say up front I'm unhappy about how I handled the issue I will describe below. For those who don't want to read what might be a long post, my point is that we MUST have gun safety education in schools, and ranges MUST do as much as they...
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    2 Thumbs up for Proload

    On the short list of "you get what you pay for", add Pro Load Ammo. For some odd reason I've never fired Pro Load ammo. I got a "truck salvage" deal on a few boxes of their 230 +P rounds a few days back ($6.50/box) in a local "salvage shop", and after firing them over lunch a few days ago...
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    Glock 20 Kb with reloads

    A cautionary tale for the group: Shooting with 7 coworkers today at lunchtime at the local public outdoor range. One of my compadres has a Glock 20 with about 1200 rounds through it. He was 4 targets away from me. Comes up to me and asks for a cleaning rod. Seems he had a failure to fully...
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    Hot load or sloppy pistol ?

    I helped a good friend, who is a relative beginner, set up his new Springfield Champion "Loaded" 1911 this weekend with factory ammo, and something came up that has me puzzled. Many, but not all, of the primers had the strikes expand back out during cycling to the point where there's just a...
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    AOL employee case being debated

    ...on a website that normally is dedicated to bowhunting, and a surprising number of posts are devoted to supporting AOL's point of view on their firing of three employees inn Utah for having guns in their vehicles in a leased AOL parking lot. Check it out ...
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    TIAA-CREF Proxy Vote on Antigun Company Investments

    I'm a participant in the TIAA-CREF (College Retirement Equities Fund) and our proxies contain a participant proposal this year to have CREF stop investing in anti-gun companies. Naturally the Board of Trustees is "recommending a vote against" this proposal... given that 99.9% of CREF...