Search results

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    Wanted: advice on pocket pistols

    Hey fellas, I've been carrying and shooting for a while. I've got several excellent carry weapons, including a 1911, a G19, and a few smaller guns, all of which are too large to pocket-carry. I live/work in an area that is extremely unfriendly to carry, and i want to diversify my stable, so I'm...
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    Anti-gun article over at Vanderbilt Typical brady-esque drivel. Anyone want to chime in?
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    practical shotgun competitions?

    I've really enjoyed shooting idpa with my handguns. I finally got a decent hd shotgun (mossberg 500). Is there any shotgun competition that is similar to idpa - practical, fun, appropriate for newbs who want just to learn and improve their skills? I've heard about IPSC shotgun comps but can't...
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    Wilson Combat 47D in a S&W 1911PD

    Hey, I just picked up a new mag for my 1911pd (45acp). It fits fine, but if I lock the slide back, I can't release it with the wilson mag (47D, 8rd) inserted - the slide release won't budge. I think I can work around this, because it can still cycle rounds as long as you never lock the slide -...
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    Cheapish semi-auto "ranch" rifle?

    Hey, I'm interested in picking up a good, cheapish multipurpose semi-automatic rifle. I was thinking .223, but I would consider any caliber as long as it's not ridiculously expensive to shoot. Basically I want a gun that I can use as a "ranch gun" for coyotes and such, which would be decent as a...
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    1911 in the $500-700 range?

    Hey, I'm interested in picking up a 5" .45 cal 1911. I'd consider new or used. It's for CC and perhaps the rare OC, and eventually, some IDPA shooting. Nothing fancy, but something that will shoot reliably out of the box, preferably isn't too finicky about ammo, and won't let me down. What're...
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    Which gun for IPDA?

    Hey guys, There's an IDPA competition group not too terribly far from where I live, and I'm starting to get a little bit bored at the range, so I was thinking about trying it out sometime. I have a Keltec P-11 (10 rd mag, have 2 mags total right now) and a S&W 640 (5-rd .357/.38, don't have any...
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    Recommend some .38 Special ammo?

    Heya fellas, After much ado, I finally bought my first handgun. It's a gently used Taurus 2" 5-shot 38 special. (I believe this makes it Taurus 85?).* I'm looking to stock up on a bunch of cheap ammo for the range, and a good amount of self defense ammo (I believe this gun is rated for +P)...
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    NC Handgun: Waiting period?

    Is there a waiting period to get a Pistol Permit in NC (I live in Orange County), or can I get it that same day? Same question, for a CCW permit. How long, in days, does it take to get one, from start to finish? I looked through the laws on the NC gov website, but it wasn't clear whether or...
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    Kids, guns, gunshows, and firearm safety

    More and more lately I have been wondering whether guns are worth it for self and home defense, from a safety standpoint. At least once or twice a week, sometimes almost daily, I read in the news about accidental discharges killing or badly injuring someone's daughter, baby, wife, or even the...
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    Out of State: buying a handgun at a gun show

    Hey Tomorrow me and some friends are going to a gun show. We're all grad students; none of us are GA residents. My friend thinks that residency doesn't matter if it's a private sale, which I guess is mostly the case at gun shows? Is this correct? If I'm not a Georgia resident, can I buy a...
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    Looking for advice on a first handgun

    Hey, I'll preface this by saying that I know basically nothing about handguns. That's why I'm here! I do however have some experience with rifles and shotguns. Deer hunting, shooting clays, etc. For rifles I've got a .243, .223, and .22. And I've got a 12-gauge and a 16-gauge shotgun. But I...