Search results

  1. R

    Sellior & Bellot .357 JSP-Too Hot?

    I bought a 1,000 rounds of this stuff from Cheaper Than Dirt a little over a year ago before I left the PRK. I have only run about 100 rounds through my S & W 686, 6 inch barrel. which I purhased in 1986. The gun is still tight with maybe only 4,000 rounds through it. This ammo seems awfully hot...
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    California in for Big Problems

    From, This is pretty bleak. I think I'm real glad I got out when I did. California Voters Have Spoken By Ralph Weller Contributing Editor 11 November 2002 San Diego - As if California couldn't turn further left, it...
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    J&G Sales or SOG for Makarovs

    Both of these places have the Bulgarian Maks for sale. Does anyone have an opinion on which company is better to do business with? For example, will I get a better quality gun from SOG or J & G or are they about the same? Prices are the same except SOG gives you an extra mag while J&G gives...
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    Inside Pocket Holster for MK40, MK9

    I would like to get a pocket holster for my MK40. The MK9 is almost the same size so one that works for it should work on the MK40. They sell one on the Kahr website. It looks real nice but I have heard that it is too highly polished (slick) and will come out of your pocket too easily. Does...
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    Seatlle Area Gun Shops

    My brother, who lives in the Seattle area would like to purchase a new CZ 75B or 85 Combat. Since I live accross the country, I was wondering if anyone out there knows some good gun shops where he could go in the Seatlle, Tacoma area and buy a CZ? It will be his first handgun larger than .22...
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    Nickel Plated Guns- Lubrication & Sovents

    I have a couple of Nickel finish semi-auto's. I have been warned not to use Hoope's #9 on them as it will trash the finish. I think some of the Shooter's Choice stuff will do the same. Can anyone tell me what you use and what is a good lubricant for Nickel and bore cleaners that will not harm...
  7. R

    New Toy from outside the PRK

    I got a new CZ 85 Combat in Nickel. Picked it up yesterday. It is sweet! I haven't shot it yet but I will soon. I moved to KY from California about 5 months ago. This is the first handgun I have purchased outside of CA. What a difference. No B.S. 10 waiting period, no tack on fees for...
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    Ruger GP 100

    How does the Ruger GP 100 .357 compare to S&W revolvers. I have a 20 year old S&W 686 that I love and I am looking for another .357. I am hesitant to buy a Smith due to their treachery so I want to know what you think about the Ruger in terms of: 1. Ovarall guality ( fit & finish) 2...
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    Kimber - Target or Fixed sights?

    I was looking at a Kimber Stainless Target with the adjustable sights. My question is are they worth the extra $80 or so for a 1911 type gun or would I be better off just getting the Custom?
  10. R

    KY - Gun Shops

    Just moved to Kentucky from the People's Republic of Kalifornia. Does anyone know where to get good deals on guns here? I live in the Elizabethtown area and work in Louisville. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks, Russ
  11. R

    CA - I'm Outta Here!!!!!!

    Got a job in Louisville KY. Better pay than here in CA and much more gun friendly in KY. I see the traiterous swine legislators in CA have been up to their anti gun BS since I have been gone. I was born in CA and have lived here all my life. Tough to pull up stakes but I'm looking forward to...
  12. R

    CA - I think I'm getting out

    I will likely be moving to Louisville KY soon. Not quite sure yet but looks good. I have lived in the PRK all my life. How is KY on gun laws? I could look it up but would like to hear some opinions from some who know the region. Thanks
  13. R

    (CA) Jack O. Scott

    Jack Scott is the sorry SOB politician who offered SB52 in Kalifornia to inplement the Al "Friggin" Gore proposal that everyone who owns a handgun should get permission from the State, a licence, to own a hand gun. Subsequent confiscation will follow, have no doubt. I happened to see Jack Off...
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    (CA) CZ 75B finish?

    Since I can't get a CZ 75B in Satin Nickel in Kalifornia and CZ-USA said they are not going to make the effort to get one placed on the "approved list" , will I be happy with the polished blue or polymer finish durability? Which one of these two is best? Polished or Polymer? Thanks
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    (CA) Veto the Governor?

    Does anyone know what is going on with ? Seems like after the last petition drive failed, they just closed down. We got pretty close on getting enough signatures to get something in the Kalifornia Constitution that guarantees the right to self defense. Geoff Metcalf...
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    Troll on 6/15

    On 6/15 I was on TFL and I read a post that said something to this effect "I am a Troll. I am a middle aged man... I log in bulletin board under different names.... It freaked me out. There was a name and an address in Oregon. I then noticed that all the posts said the same thing. I remember...
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    CA - Where's the GOA?

    In California there are 2 handgun owner license bills which may very well become law soon. When I go to the State-level Alerts on the GOA website I see nothing about these bills. Can anyone tell me why they haven't posted anything about this? If these bills pass, look to see them in your state...
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    .223 Does anyone hunt with this cal?

    I don't know too much about this caliber. Can you hunt anything but varmints with it?
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    (CA ) Browning Hi Power Approval?

    In California, as of 1/1/2001, handguns must be tested and posted on an "approved" list before they can be sold in the state. So far the Hi Power has not shown up on the list. There are a bunch of Buck Marks but no HP. Does anyone know if Browning is going to submit a gun for testing here or...
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    Jim March - What's your take?

    Jim, I have found you to be particularly astute regarding the political environment in California. As a California resident, I apprecitate your opinions. They have given me hope that not all is lost. Do you have any information or opinions regarding handgun owners license bill pending in the...