Search results

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    Hey wild catters!!!

    Can any of you wildcatters help me with this one? I got a box of brass a few days ago and in it were several .223 Rem cases that sre necked up to , I think .284. What would these be?
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    NY's new gun control law

    NY passed a new gun control law! It might be the toughest in the nation. Imagine a background check just to buy ammo!! your thoughts?
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    anyone have a Dutch Beaumont?

    I recently acquired a Dutch Beaumont in decent condition and was wondering if anyone else has one, and if yes do you shoot it? I am in the process of making brass for it but would like to find a few actual cases to use for comparison. I hope to fire it next weekend and will post results.
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    small ring mauser????

    I have a turkish mauser that I removed the barrel from. I measured the outside diameter of the threads and got 0.99 is this standard for a large ring mauser or a small ring mauser? tried using the search feature but it only told me to measure the receiver ring then it said that some turks use...
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    couple of questions about shotguns

    I have a winchester model 12......after I fire it should the action slide open freely or do I have to push the little button? I need a firing pin for a 12 ga SPRINGFIELD AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN this is the only markings on it besides the choke (MOD). Any help would be appreciated.
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    what to do????

    hey guys! I have a 1903 turkish mauser action (barrel was junk) that I want to play around with. Give me some ideas as to what caliber I should rebarrel it in. I have been thinking about some really strange stuff like 50 alaskan, 257 roberts......etc....I really don't want to have to modify the...
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    cleanshot powder

    has anyone used the black powder replacement called CLEAN SHOT POWDER ? If so what are your findings? Does it come up to snuff? Is it a suitable replacement for blackpowder and pyrodex? Any comments on it all will be appreciated.
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    need info on win model 12

    I just bought a winchester model 12 , 12 ga shotgun. What I want to know is it normal to have to push the release button behind the trigger guard to work the action after firing a shot?
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    need more kroil

    just used the last few drops in the can I"ve had for a long time and can't find any more. The man I bought it from has died and I really need some more.
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    Need Mauser Help

    is there some trick to removing the barrel from a TURKISH 1903 mauser action? I've removed several from k98's and brazilian mausers with little or no trouble, but this one is bi**h. any suggestions????any help would be appreciated.
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    need help to id mauser

    just picked up a couple of mauser rifles and don't know what they are. hope someone can help. one is marked with a quarter moon and star and the letters T & C, also ASFA ANKARA 1935 the other one has the same markings but much smaller with the date 1936 my bore gauge shows them to be 8mm...
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    bushmaster help needed

    help!!!! my neighbor needs a 5 round magazine for his bushmaster ar-15 where would he get one and what would it cost? thanks in advance
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    ruger value

    a friend has a ruger blackhawk (blue) 357 mag with pachmayer grips and originial grips. 6" bbl with shoulder rig uncle mikes I think. this baby is PRISTINE, only fired 67 rounds. whats something like this going for now-a-days ?
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    info needed about 444 rifle

    I might take a winchester timber carbine in trade. it is chambered in 444 marlin. has anyone here fired one? I understand that this rifle is ported and I curious about the noise and blowback. Is this a major down-fall or is it nothing to be concerned with?
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    260 Rem

    What can you tell me about this round? I don't have any data for it . It was suggested on another forum that I should build a rifle in this caliber on my swede 96 action. My books are a tad bit old so it isn't in them, guess I'll need new books.
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    swedish mauser question

    I just bought 2 model 96 swedes and plan to use the actions for a couple of custom guns. I have built 4 already, 22-250, 264 win mag, 308, 243, but all were built on mauser 98 actions. my question is how good are the swedes for this and what calibers are they best suited for?I was thinking...
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    caribou hunt

    has anyone here gone on a caribou hunt in quebec? if so, what outfitter did you book with ? how was the experience? was it all you expected? any problems with guide service?
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    best load for 44 mag ?

    just started loading for the 44 rem mag, been reloading 28 years, just new to this caliber. looking to save a lot of range time. anyone have a pet load ? i'm useing 240 gr jhp bullets. any help?
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    lets help the victims

    hey TFLers, heres your chance to help the victims of the 9/11 attack. local radio stations here in central new york are taking pledges of money for the red cross and salvation army's fund to aid the victims and thier families. the goal is half a million bucks. at 345 pm they were at 275,000 and...
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    remington 710 question

    has anyone bought , fired, held, or read anything about the new remington model 710 rifle? if you have please tell me what you think about it. I may be in the market to buy 2 of these rifles. thanks in advance