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  1. T

    Understanding Scopes for Newbie

    I will admit, I am a complete Newbie when it comes to scopes! :eek: I have an SKS that I will be using for deer hunting and I want to put a scope on it. -can someone explain what the numbers on the scope represent? For instance, I found 1 scope online labeled as 3-9x42 NcSTAR Compact Rifle...
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    Which Deer Rifle Combo should I choose???

    I am new to hunting, only went on a few hunts last year and never had a shot at a deer. However, I am greatly looking forward to Oct. 15th when deer season begins in NC! I have a dilemma however, & could use some help. Currently I have an open sight Yugo SKS which I hunted with last year...
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    Rusting gun?!?!?!

    I have a Bersa Thunder .380 that I commonly jog with while carrying IWB in a Don Hume holster. I noticed the other day that one of the letters in the engraving on the side of the slide was beginning to rust!!!! :eek: I assume it is due to my sweating while running. I have not run in a while...
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    S&W .38 price for Resale?

    My mom currently has a S&W 642 Airweight .38 that she has put around 150 rounds or less through. She has decided to go with a 9mm instead for a CCW and she wants to sell the .38 in order to help finance the new 9mm purchase. The .38 is in mint condition and we are wondering how much she can...
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    Bersal .380 Dimpling on Primer?!?!?!

    I have a Bersa Thunder .380 that I carry and have never had any problems with it, though I have carried it for 2 years and it is beginning to show basic signs of being carried, such as scratches. Upon unloading it the other day I noticed that a few of the rounds appeared to have dimples in the...
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    Shooter Problem with Bersa Thunder .380

    I have a Bersa Thunder .380 that when I shoot it, the slide will periodically not stay locked back when I fire the last round. I have been plagued with this problem off and on since I got the gun a year ago and I have put 500 rounds through it. Just recently this past weekend I took 2 girls to...
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    Deer hunting with Mosin Nagant 91/30 or m44 carbine?

    Hello All, I currently use an open sight sks for deer hunting, but several places I hunt at reuqire a shot of over a hundred yards, which is close the limit of my accuracy with the open sight sks. I am looking to upgrade to a scoped Mosin Nagant, which will increase my range and accuracy...
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    Mosin Nagant and scope for hunting?

    I am looking for a good hunting rifle compatible with a scope. I am thinking about getting a Mosin Nagant for the job. My question is, first, does the Mosin Nagant make a good deer hunting rifle? Second, is the Mosin Nagant compatible with a scope? I want to keep the wood stock and not...
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    Wood Rifle stock and Rain?

    Hello All, I have a yugo SKS with a currently untreated wood stock. I plan to go hunting this Thursday for 3 days with some friends, but it is supposed to rain. I am new to hunting, and it has just dawned on me that I am not sure how to correctly care for a rifle in wet conditons...
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    Glock 27 or 26, compared to Bersa .380

    I have decided on going with a Baby Glock, and am deciding between a Glock 27 or 26 for a CCW. Other than the obvious difference of ammo, the only difference I can see is the recoil and number of rounds. The dimensions are the exact same. So, which one should I choose and WHY? I am sure...
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    Hunting with SKS & Open Sight

    I just began hunting and went on my first hunting trip this past weekend. Saw plenty of deer, but never when I was in the tree stand or had my rifle! Anyhow, I have a Yugo SKS that I hunt with that has an open sight. I have not had a chance to do a lot of target shooting with it and do not...
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    Upgrade from Bersa .380 to Glock 27 Comments & Ideas

    Hello all! I currently carry a Bersa Thunder .380 IWB at the 4:30 position. I love this carry gun, as it is lightweight, barely noticeable when carried, and so far 100% reliable! However, it is a small caliber and limited capacity. I am considering upgrading to a Glock 27, but other than the...
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    oiling inside of barrel?

    Okay, so basic question here! I have always been told NOT to oil the inside of the barrel. However, I have recently been hearing alot contrary to this. So what ist he Proper way to oil a handgun after cleaning? Sidenote, does this apply to rifles as well? Thanks in advance!
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    Bersa UC .45 or Springfield XD .40 subcompact

    I currently have a Bersa Thunder .380 but am looking to upgrade to a higher caliber. I have fired the Springfield XD.40 and like it, but I also like how the Bersa operates and I like the idea of a manual safety, so I am considering the UC .45. Which would you recommend, and WHY?
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    Bersa Thunder .380 Carried w/ Safety on in SA?

    I have had a Bersa Thunder .380 for several months and love it. However, after going to the range this weekend, I noticed something peculiar. Up until this point I thought it was impossible to carry the gun w/ the safety engaged and with the hammper pulled back in SA mode. The reason for...
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    What does it take to bring down a bear?

    I will state this up front! I am a city kid and though I love the outdoors and wildlife, I have limited exposure. I finally have time to go on the occassional fishing/camping trip with friends, and we typically camp out for 2 or 3 nights and fish during the day as much as possible. It is...
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    Bersa .45 UC for new CCW?

    Okay, so I currently have a Bersa Thunder .380, but am looking to upgrade to a slightly more powerful handgun, which I can more readily get ammo for. I have been VERY impressed w/ the Thunder .380, about 300 rounds w/ no jams or anything else! What is the differences or similarities between...
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    Ruger SR9C, too good to be true?

    I went to a gunshow yesterday & for the 1st time held a Ruger SR9C. It seemed to be the perfect carry gun for me, for IWB carry. It has a loaded chamber indicator, a cocked indicator, a VERY easy to take off manual safety, & it is 9mm, cheap & easy to find! Also, it is a very affordable gun...
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    Walther P99C info?

    I currently carry a Bersa Thunder .380, but am looking to upgrade due to the .380 being scarce, and I want something w/ a litle more knockdown power, preferrably a .40. I have looked at the Walther P99C. I have held a fullsized P99 and love it! Does anyone have any experience w/ the P99C...
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    Paranoid About Carrying

    I recently got my Concealed Carry Permit and carry a Bersa Thunder .380 IWB. However, as I am new to carrying, whenever I go out in public I am paranoid that someone is going to spot my sidearm! I am constantly brushing my hand up against my side to make sure my shirt is down and covering...