Search results

  1. N

    Initiative 42 - Colorado & UN Small Arms Treaty

    I want to get opinions on the proposed UN Small Arms Treaty and how to stop it. In Colorado, a group has started circulating petitions to get Initiative 42 on the ballot this November. The Initiative reads: Now, I understand that this may not be legally binding, but it sends a strong...
  2. N

    Force on Force Training

    After reading other recent threads and hearing about various FOF training, I have realized that FOF would be a valuable training tool. How often do you practice FOF?? Also, how do you set up FOF scenarios?? I am looking more for armed citizen scenarios as I am neither LEO nor military...
  3. N

    Script for Shooting Aftermath

    Does anyone have a script at home in case of a break in; something that you can read to the 911 dispatcher?? What about a script for the aftermath of a shooting either in your home on away from your home?? I have read in various places that it is wise to have something very generic written...
  4. N

    How many guns do you carry??

    Just curious. I see a few posts that mention a 3rd or last ditch gun. I personally don't know anybody who carries three. I have also heard through friends and acquiantances of people who carry three or more. Anyone carry three or more?? If you do wear three, where do you put them??
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    Nebraska Reciprocity

    I have recently heard that Nebraska is now granting reciprocity to states that meet or exceed its standards. This is good news!! I no longer have to avoid Nebraska!! I hope this leads to more states getting on board!!
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    Male or Female Hunting Dogs

    I am looking to get my first hunting companion. I have already picked a breed. I have a few breeders in mind. I have spoken to trainers. BUT, I am stuck on a couple of things. Male vs. Female?? I am leaning toward a male, but I would want to get him neutered. If he is neutered before he...
  7. N

    The Ammo Shortage and Competition Shooting

    I tried a search but nothing came up for this even though I am sure this has been discussed. And I truly apologize for starting another ammo thread, but I have questions. I hope you all will indulge me for a few moments.:D I want to start getting into IDPA, but with ammo availability and...
  8. N

    Strategic Placement of Weapons

    A few questions for you all. I know people who have weapons placed about every 5 feet or so throughout their house. I am trying to get a gauge as to what the norm is. I know there are some out there that will keep their carry weapons on them in the house as well, but then again, I am sure...
  9. N

    Topping Off Your Carry Mag

    Just curious. How many top off their EDC magazine?? Do you leave it topped off?? If so, how much quicker, if at all, do your mag springs have to be replaced??
  10. N

    Nights for an XD

    Any recommendations on night sights for an XD in .45?? I have seen night sights that are both fiber optic and nights. I don't know who makes them. Has anyone tried these??
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    Valhalla Training Center??

    Does anyone know what happened to Valhalla Training Center after Rob Pincus left and started ICE?? Valhalla's website no longer exists. Did the school shutdown??
  12. N

    Reactive Targets

    How many people use reactive targets as a part of their training?? Is the extra hassel (lugging steel targets, resetting, etc) worth it?? On a related note: Has anyone made a home made pepper popper?? Any auto-setting ones?? What about other home made reactive targets??
  13. N

    Unorthodox Shooting Positions

    Do any of you incorporate unorthodox shooting positions into your training?? If so, what exercises and how often?? I am looking for new unorthodox shooting exercises to shake up my training a little.
  14. N

    Lax Training

    Hey all! I am pretty new to posting on TFL, but I have been perusing it for some time now. I had an interesting conversation with a friend the other day that I thought might make an interesting thread. I have invited this friend, who has had his CCW permit for about 6 months, out to train...