Search results

  1. Q

    Nite sights for a S&W revolver

    What I am looking for is some kind of "paint on," see in the dark for older revolvers. Maybe a "glue on". I'm one of the last hold-outs still carrying a Model 19 and qualifying in the dark (low light) is starting to be a problem. Does anyone have any ideas?
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    Level 2 Retension Revolver Holster

    Has anyone seen or even heard of a level 2 retension revolver holster in black basketweave for an S&W "N" frame Model 28 6 inch or any barrel length Colt Model "P" Peacemaker? I have really looked with no luck at all. Thanks, Quantrill
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    Rally Point

    New gun list open at
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    Soda's cheap shoot Report

    Had a wonderful time, shootin and talkin and shootin and talkin. Thanks to Soda for setting every thing up including a TFL discount. What a selection of firearms and everybody willing to share and talk about them. Can't wait for the next one. A special thanks to Ray for remembering what I...
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    Smith&Wesson Spanner Wrench

    Somewhere, somehow over the years I have lost my spanner wrench for the S&W model 52 barrel bushing. Disassembly of the pistol without it is possible but more difficult. I would be much obliged for any suggestions as to where one could be found. Smith&Wesson says they have none. If one can't be...
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    Where are the Pictures?

    Woody's Shoot and Snore went off without a hitch. A most pleasurable time was had by all. Plenty of food and drink, good sportsmanship, renew old friendships and make new and wonderful camradery. I'll leave it to others to inform the world of the winners but WHERE ARE THE PICTURES?? A very...
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    M. Stevens 416

    Need some information and disassembly instructions for a Stevens Model 416. Barrel is marked "X barrel" and "US Property".Serial #206xxx. This semms to be a .22 target rifle with a heavy stock and bull barrel. It has Lyman peep sights and a "77" front sight. There is no safety. Where to get...
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    TV coverage of CAS

    , Good news - back at the May gathering of the Boot Hill Gang in Topton, Pa., the news channel for the Comcast cable system (CN8) sent a camera crew to record the goings-on. Well the producer finally got back to me with an air date - Wednesday, June 12th. They have two (2) one-hour newscasts...
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    Gun Control poll
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    CAS in the Washington Post
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    Lead bullets in a Glock

    Not personally owning a Glock, I have never paid attention to posts about them. I'm sure this has been discussed in the past but please refresh my info. My friend has a 9mm Glock pistol that is having a problem with accuracy with 124 grain cast lead bullets. The jacketed jobs do fine. I thought...
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    A "Blurb" concerning military guns and planes

    No Time To Grieve: S.1155 Targets Warbirds There isn't time to stop, to get our breath: the budget is rolling to completion, and, in the rewriting that is sure to happen in the wake of Terror Tuesday, a terrible bill may be included, unless we all act, and act now. "S.1155" doesn't ring any...
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    The FAA is not your friend

    The FAA is not your friend. It is the friend of Airlines. All this BS that we have been hearing for years about "pilot error" is not true the majority of the time. The FAA regulations are made up by them. It does not need congressional approval. The regulations are the whim of entrenched...
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    Username and password

    How do I get my username and password to automatically come up when responding to a post or beginning a new post? Thanks Quantrill
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    Renewing auto-password

    How does one go about renewing the automatic password feature? I had it but I guess it ran out and I am poorly on remembering passwords. What is the difference between a member and a senior member? Thanks, Quantrill
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    .38 spec. reloads for S&W 52

    I presently load Lyman #35891 and #358495 148 gr wadcutters for revolvers. Finally got a model 52 and it won't feed those bullets because they protrude about .25 out of the case [not a problem with revolvers]. My question is - Has anyone had any experience with loading the bullets backwards? Is...