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  1. R

    OK...I joined the P32 club

    Well...I went out and did it this week end...bought a K-T P32. I had owned a P11 at one time and thought it was a very reliable gun, I just couldn't get use to the trigger pull. But I needed something for my pocket, and the NAA Guardian 32 was just too heavy. I did a little puff and fluff on...
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    How do I take my CCW gun on short plane vacations?

    I'm going to go to Fla. in Jan. for a short 4 days. My CCW is honored in Fla....but how would I take a small pistol, like a P32 with me safely. I'd like to have alittle something in my pocket, but is it worth the hassle and the risk of losing it?..Thanks
  3. R

    Ammo Recomendation for 380

    OK..Please don't tell me I should have a 9mm, 38cal, or whatever...I'd like the recomendation for a 380 ammo for self defense, coming out of my Colt Gov't 380. I have been carrying Cor-bon...but have seen alot about carrying FMJ instead in this caliber. Could I have some suggestions of Brand...
  4. R

    FTF problem on my Colt 380

    I need some help....I took my Colt Gov't mark 4 380 to the range last night. and had constint FTF problems with it. BUT, when I put only 3 or 4 rounds in the mag. I had no problem. My guess is the mag spring....what do you think. Also...I need another mag for it, but all I ever see on...
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    Have you ever made your own grips?

    I wondered if anyone else has ever tried making their own wood grips....if so...where should I try for the wood, and how thick should it be to start with. Any other tips I'd appreciate
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    Which did you grab when the sirens sounded?

    Just after 6pm last night the tornado sirens sounded....we were near the end of dinner. My wife grabbed our two 7 year old twins along with their favorite blankets and stuffed animals. I grabbed the battery operated radio, flashlites, cell phones, and (fill in the blank,,which gun). We...
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    American Arms 22lr????

    American Arms sells a 22lr that looks to be the same size as a Walther TPH. Does anyone have any first hand experience with these guns...are they any good...and are they really the size of a TPH...Thanks
  8. R

    Colt Gov't 380 vs Browning BDA 380

    Are these two guns the same in dimensions? Would they fit the same holsters, without a retention strap. I have the Colt...but a friend out of state has a Galco SOB that he says will fit it, although it says Browning BDA 380 on the packet.. Thanks
  9. R

    Recommend a 22lr pocket gun that is NOT a DAO

    What are my choices for a 22lr pocket gun that is a DA or SA...but not a DAO. Thanks
  10. R

    Dye coloring holsters??

    I have a couple of galco holsters that I bought on sale that are the tan color...I'd like to have them dyed black. Has anyone tried this themselves? Should I go to a shoe store and have them do it? Any suggestions? Thanks:)
  11. R

    What to aim for with your back-up

    Here's the situation...all you have on you is your back's a .22 or .25.....what should you try to hit to slow the bad guy down enough so you can get outta' there. Please don't tell me to carry a .32...or a 9mm...or a 1911. I've got that, but in this situation all I have is my little...
  12. R

    Shot at Gun Show...anyone hear about this??

    JULY 15, 15:10 ET Teen Shot in Head at Gun Show Dies NORCROSS, Ga. (AP) — A 13-year-old boy died Monday after being shot in the head while attending a gun show with his father. Stephen King of Prattville, Ala., was struck in the eye Sunday by a bullet that lodged in his brain. He died after...
  13. R

    Colt Gov't 380 FTE

    I went to the range again this weekend and had problems with FTE on my Colt 380. The empty cart. would be all the way back, slide open, and the new round is trying to get onto the feed ramp. So what do you think....I need new springs of some type...or the magazine is the problem......or I'm...
  14. R

    Is this safe with a Colt Gov't 380

    Is it safe to carry a Colt Gov't 380 "80 series" in my pocket with a round in the chamber but the hammer down. Sometimes I need to run down to the store and a holster is not available or would be too visable with what I'm wearing....can I just put the hammer down with a round in the tube and...
  15. R

    CCW and the sign that says "NO WEAPONS ALLOWED"

    I went to a movie last night with my wife...we stopped at the theater first to get tickets, and then for dinner. As I went into this 20plus screen modern theater complex, I looked at the doors as I went in..keep in mind there are probably 20 or more doors across the front of this place. I saw...
  16. R

    Finally Got Some Pics...I Carry One of These Daily

    These are the two guns that are my daily is always with me. A SIG 239 40cal or my Colt Government 380 stainless. RH Factor
  17. R

    Dog Attacks..Do You Shoot??

    Your walking your small dog...minature, Yorkie, whatever....and a pit bull from across the street comes charging across you ... a..wait and see if it attacks you b..see if it attacks your dog then shoot c..wait till it attacks your dog then try to get it off. tell me...
  18. R

    Most accurate 22lr pocket gun???

    I was thinking about getting a 22 for the pocket when I walk the dog in the wood and such....But I'd like to get one that will come close to hitting what I aim at. What is your choice for a pocket sized 22 that is reliably accurate(if that is possible). Keep in mind we're not talking about 25...
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    Stag Grips?

    At a local guns shop, they have a set of used Stag grips that will fit my Colt Government 380 (stainless). My question is they want $160 for that reasonable...and is this a grip that I can shoot with on..or is it for show only? Thanks RH Factor
  20. R

    How do you wear a paddle holster??

    OK..this is really dumb .....But....if you have a paddle holster...does the paddle go in the pants..or between the pants and the belt. I have a Galco paddle for my Sig 239..they have the plastic paddle, works fine in my pants.......BUT I have a Don Hume for the same gun and it has a...