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  1. S

    Kimber Pro Carry II

    I have a friend that just bought a Kimber Pro Carry II stainless for $739. Then he got on the 1911 forum a month after the purchase and read all of the hate mail about the California Safety and now wants to sell it. I don't not own a 1911 .45 of anykind, and would like to add one to my stable of...
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    JHP vs FMJ. Why? what to use???

    I am not an expert on the subject, but is it only the U.S. that uses JHP bullets for personal defense. I've read on this board that Europe does not use JHP? I understand about over penetration with FMJ, but I also know that my .40 S&W flat nose target round would absolutely do the job on...
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    My god, I'm going to buy a .45, but which one?

    I've been perfectly happy my entire life, thus far, with 9mm, .40 S&W, .44mag, .22lr in pistol/rifle, and assorted hunting and shotgun rounds. Now all of that has changed. I spent the last 2 days shooting 4 different .45's. I am now going to own one. OWN!!! I can not live without one. First...
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    Verbal fight with an anti.

    Tonight I had a verbal confrontation with an extreme anti. Her position centered around the fact that mankind should 'just get along', and that the fact that I had a Sig P239 in my fanny pack seriously scared her. Her point was articulated well, if no one had guns, there would be less crime...
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    Call me Glock & HK ignorant, but.....

    In another active thread, there was some debate over which company was truly responsible for the conversion to polymer frame and hammerless striker. Some were saying glock, including saying that Glock is responsible for every innovation under the sun since the 1911 came out. Others were saying...
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    Have you actually seen someone shot? Has it changed any of your views about firearms?

    I'm not talking about, next time I'll use a 124gr 9mm instead of of the 147gr. I work in an ER, and have seen a variety of self inflicted gunshots, accidental gunshots, as well as intentional gunshots. This has all strengthened my resolve to maintain my CCW status, and left me saying to...
  7. S

    Bullet Weight For Different Hunts

    With any luck, and my points, I am going to draw three tags this year. Previous to this year I have hunted with a Remington 7400 in .270. I used this for both mule deer and Cow and freezer Bulls. This year is different. I now am the proud owner of a SIG SHR 970 in 30-06. My hope is to draw for...
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    My wife actually asked 'ME' to go to the range (her first time)

    This was a first. My wife has never been to the range with me. She grew up in a family of 'hunters', but has never fired anything but a BB gun. We went to my outdoor handgun range, hung up some balloons, and then I let her choose from my vast assortment (5 handguns) of weapons. She could have...
  9. S

    E.R. story. A very strange firearm related injury..??

    50 year old male comes in with injuries to both hands. His story. I was at a range, by myself, shooting my .300 Win. I had just fired a round, and had cleared the spent brass. While sliding the bolt closed on the next round, the round went off. He told me that there was about 2" of shell...
  10. S

    The 5:00 news frustrates me. OFFICER SHOT !!!

    4:50 I hear the BREAKING NEWS jingle, and my local news channel states: Police officer shot, stay tuned. I spend the next 10 minutes feeling badly, thinking that another LEO has been shot by a bad guy. THEN: THE LEAD STORY IS: LEO accidently shoots himself in the leg with his own weapon at the...
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    What do you do for the bad guy once he's down, but not out?

    Someone had started a thread with the subject: What do you tell the 911 dispatcher once you have put the bad guy down? My question is, what if the bad guy is not dead? I'm an emergency room nurse by trade, and my instincts are to do what I can for people. What would be the the correct course of...
  12. S

    That rifle isn't powerful enough !!!!!

    How many times have I (we) heard this? How many articles have I read that imply this? People telling me that a .270 is not enough gun for certain game. Why would you buy a 30-06 when you can go with a magnum load. I have never owned a rifle with the word magnum after it. Why? No reason, I just...
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    Molon Labe: My items from Correia have arrived !!

    I'd like to express my thanks. My hats arrived today and they look great. Good quality too!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D Sig 970
  14. S

    You get stopped for a traffic ticket. Do you have to declare your CCW?

    Got pulled over today for doing 39 in a 25. First ticket in 5 years. Sig P239 in my fanny pack. Kids and I are laughing away. The LEO was nice as could be. I was absolutely guilty, and we both knew it. While the LEO was running my Lic,Reg, & Ins info. I got to thinking, do I pull out my CCL and...
  15. S

    How stupid was this guy?

    Get a 35 y/o male into the ER with a devistating gunshot to his left thigh. He tells us he is a jewelry salesman, who was robbed at gun point. He states that he refused to open a lockbox that had unset diamonds in it, and the robber shot him once. He then opened it, and the guy stole the stuff...
  16. S

    How stupid was this guy?

    Get a 35 y/o male into the ER with a devistating gunshot to his left thigh. He tells us he is a jewelry salesman, who was robbed at gun point. He states that he refused to open a lockbox that had unset diamonds in it, and the robber shot him once. He then opened it, and the guy stole the stuff...
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    Gun ownership & mental illness.

    I have a longtime friend who is bipolar. When he is on his medication he is a stand up guy with some great qualities. When he gets it in his head that he 'no longer needs' his medication, he becomes manic and, to put it lightly, does not make the best decisions. Between lack of sleep, and his...
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    What would you do if you had a $1000 credit at your favorite gun store?

    My brother has decided to sell his .44 Desert Eagle. He paid $1120 for it 11 months ago. He went to our favorite gun store and discussed options. Here they are. Sell it on his own. Sell it on consignment for $1000. They take 20% They will give him $675 dollars for it tomorrow. They will give...
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    OK, The gun fairy taps you on the shoulder and says.....

    You will magically be granted the use of any firearm in history for one day at the range. You get unlimited ammo, and you can basically have the run of the place. What would it be ???
  20. S

    Looking for a bullet suggestion for my 30-06 for deer sized game.

    I have been using a Remington model 7400 .270 to hunt with for the last 8 years. I was using 150 gr Grand Slams for both mule deer and cow elk. I recently gave my dad back his .270, and bought a Sig SHR 970 in 30-06. I picked up a box of Federal High Energy shells that have 180gr Trophy Bonded...