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  1. S

    Need ideas for little old widow w/ husband's guns

    Little old lady (lol) is in New Olreans, I'm in AZ so I can't help out directly. Lol is a family friend so she's counting on me to steer her right. Her husband died and she wants his guns out of the house. She doesn't know (or care) if they are real, BB, plastic, or what. She won't touch them...
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    Alternative Rem 514 sights

    I have this little 514 w/ a Bubba'd scope mount that I picked up at a garage sale. The scope is an old Weaver Hawk and not very impressive. I'd like to replace the scope with irons so I can teach the kids to shoot. Given the low cost of the rifle, what would be the most cost-efficient way to...
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    Interstate firearms purchases

    I'm an AZ citizen; born and raised in LA (Louisiana, not some mere city). Long story short I've never had to deal with draconian gun laws in my life. I find myself out at West Point (NY) for business and I was wondering whether I should hit the pawn shops to look for an interesting Mosin...
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    Jamaican violence is our fault ...

    :rolleyes: Guns from America fuel Jamaica's gang wars
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    kydex holsters that are easy on the finish?

    So far, the only Kydex holsters I've had a hands-on look at are the Fobus and while I like them (have two), they are hard on a gun's finish. Are there any "plastic" holsters with finish-safe linings?
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    Gun Rulings Open Way to Supreme Court Review

    Old news, I know, but that this article was written, and how it was written, in the NYT is, to me, simply astounding. E.g.: (emphasis is mine). I would have expected the NYT to say something like "... leading many legal experts to predict an explosion of lawsuits to clear the way for easy...
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    9mm 1911

    I've decided to consolidate all my 'working' handguns to 9mm. Already I miss my .38 snubby but I can replace that w/ a Taurus 905. I also really miss my 1911A1. What is out there to replace 'old faithful'? Parameters: it has to be a 1911 platform, it has to be under $400, used is fine, a...
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    BATFE Form 3310.4

    Background: I recently bought a couple of handguns from different dealers on Gunbroker about a week (7 days) apart. Because of a shipping error they will probably arrive at my FFL within the same week. Even if not, I'll be on vacation until they both arrive (assuming no more shipping errors)...