Search results

  1. M

    RG 25 help

    OK guys, I've read all the stuff I could find here - and I know that few, if any think this gun is the cat's meow - but: I'd like to try to work on it and I'd like to find a manual or take down sheet, or something like that. I think I can come up with pieces, etc., but the nuts and bolts are...
  2. M

    Winny '88 feeding problems

    Hello guys from the "Smithy" side of the forums! Usually, in fact all the time I'm discussing reloading - BUT I now have a problem I hope someone can help we with, or point me someplace. I gave a young friend a Win. 88 lever in .308 that was given to me - I could never get it to shoot where I...
  3. M

    An honest opinion, please.

    Fellas: Returning to my wheelgun roots, I have gotten rid of all the semi's I owned and replaced them with revolvers of one sort or another. I had a .41 mag some years back - had to give it up to pay bills for the first wife. I just picked up a new S & W. However, it seems that just about...
  4. M

    Identify and free if you can....

    Hey Fellas - haven't been on here for a bit - trying to get money out of Gpal:barf: - so as I wait figured I'd separate some range cases.:) Came across about 35 or so bottleneck pistol cases. Length is .96", and outside diameter at the case mouth is .34" - they are berdan primed with marked -...
  5. M

    Another crimp raising its' ugly head....

    You all know I've talked about finding crimped - mostly NT marked - cases in .45 and more recently in .40. Both Win. and Fed. seem to be quilty... Now, I've run across yet another caliber. I picked up 500 rounds of once fired .380 ACP brass from - Bob Wise...
  6. M

    Rex Powders???

    Hey Fellas - just got the Graf flier - great price on something called Rex powders. Come in 2.21 lb bottles for about $ 25.00 - and if I'm right, that's like $ 11 a POUND! And if you buy 5, they pay the hazmat! The Rex 2 looks like the one I'd be interested in - 9, 40, 45, 38....anyone have...
  7. M

    If you were on the list...

    I don't know if there are any of you guys out there - I have had 230 grain Rem. Golden Sabre .45ACP's on order with Midway since September of '08. I just got word that they were shipped 9/10/09. My first order was 9/18/08 - almost one year! I know at one time they had over 200 orders for...
  8. M

    New frustrations....

    Hey fellas: As you know, I've been doing this for a long time, but recently, I have run into 2 issues that are frustrating to beat the band. I use RCBS carbide dies. Recently, I have noticed that occasionally (maybe 3-4 per 100) - when I dump them out of the catch bin to tumble them, I'll see...
  9. M

    8MM/06 - the basics

    Hey fellas: I've been asked to consider loading the 8mm/06 for a fellow who just bought the rifle and is interested in having a steady source of ammo. So, before I say yes or no - am I correct in my assumption that with a set of 8mm/06 dies (RCBS - 2 die set, for example) - that I can take...
  10. M

    Win. large rifle in stock....

    Check out - as of now - list Win. Large Rifle primers in stock - $45 per K Go get 'em! Margiesex And remember: Hug your God and your guns - 'cause he's coming for them both - and soon!
  11. M

    Remington 2 and 1/2 large pistol primers! As of this moment have in stock Rem. 2 1/2 large pistol primers - $ 35.00 a brick. God get 'ems! God bless Margiesex And remember - Hug your God and your guns - 'cause he's coming for them both - and soon!
  12. M

    small pistol strips - NOW

    Graf - now, small pistol APS strips - only a few! GO!! Margiesex
  13. M

    CCI Large Pistol Magnum available

    Just ran by - CCI large pistol magnum primers @ 44.95. Good hunting! God bless. Margiesex And remember: Hug your God and your guns - 'cause he's coming for them both, and soon!
  14. M

    Large pistol primers

    Natchez - Rem. large pistol primers - there NOW. Go get 'em!! God bless Margiesex And remember: Hug your God and your guns - 'cause he's coming for them both and soon!
  15. M

    Federal Large Pistol regular - in stock

    Hello - just ran by - large pistol (regular) Federal brand in stock there. $ 44.50 per 1000 with 5K limit. Have at 'em! God bless. Margiesex And remember: Hug your God and your guns - 'cause he's coming for them both, and soon!
  16. M

    Graf small pistol primers

    Just ran by Graf - have Fed. small pistol mag primers in stock as I write. Go get 'em God bless Margiesex And remember: Hug your God and your guns - 'cause he's coming for them both - and soon
  17. M

    A new supplier - give him a shout!

    Fellas - I have come across a fellow (I've mentioned him without naming him in a post) that runs a small business for reloader types like us. Here's the email to contact Chuck: He's been having some health issues, but is great to deal with - honest - and will tell...
  18. M

    New policy, or just another type...

    Hey Fellas - I've just come across some Win. .40 S&W cases that appear to be "crimped" least that what it looks like to me, and I can not get a small pistol primer to go into the pocket using my Lee Auto Prime. Am I safe to assume these are some sort of "NT" or non-toxic round, or has...
  19. M

    RWS Primers - still imported or made?

    Obviously, the readers out there are much more widespread than me and I was wondering if anyone has access to, or knows if RWS primers are still made/imported/available? When I started rolling my own some 40 years ago I depended on RWS small rifle primers for my .222 exclusively. Along came a...
  20. M

    7.62X54R - issues with .308 bullets

    Hey out there. Just rolled by this site today and thought I'd drop in. I just picked up RCBS dies (full size and neck size - plus seater) for my daughter's friend's Nygant (?) in 7.62x54R. The Sierra Manual I have lists all kinds of loads - all pushing a .308 bullet. Well, I full length...