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  1. I

    Business man...

    I was wondering if it's illegal to sell guns to retailers and gunshops on a "I got this old gun and need to get rid of it," basis. Any takers?:confused:
  2. I

    California Gun Laws...

    Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! California sucks when it comes to guns. A frikin bayonet is an assault weapon!!! Pretty soon we'll have to register our butter knives and forks. Anyway, are older guns, say, from 1900-50 exempt from any of these outrageous laws like the assault weapons crap for the the sake...
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    Mauser op...

    Are you supposed to flip the little safety lever on the bolt all the way to the right right after racking in a shell and before firing?:confused:
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    Mauser op...

    Are you supposed to put the little safety lever in the back fully to the right to prevent the bolt from flying open upon firing a Mauser?
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    I like butts

    I need some input. Bought a Turk Mauser from '35 and it has no butt pad, just wood. First of all, should I put one on there or would it decrease the value? Or should I just get one of those vest thingies? OR should I just suck it up and let the beast kick the @!#$ outta me?!?!:D
  6. I

    The Good 'ole Boys

    I need some suggestions on what old military bolt actions or semi-autos I should be looking for. Now I'm big enough for the kick-ass rifles, so anything would work. Sombody just know of a good ole...and please don't suggest an ati-material or tank rifle...California resident
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    Does anyone know if I need an FFL to refurbish and sell old guns? Or is it some kind of tax/license/no fees for historical restoration like on antique cars? I bought an older gun from '35 and the...
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    FFL (Federal Firearms License)

    Does anyone know if I need an FFL to refurbish and sell old guns? Or is it some kind of tax/license/no fees for historical restoration like on antique cars? I bought an older gun from '35 and the waiting period (in Ca, mind you) was only 5 days instead of 15 for the latest rifles and they just...
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    Gun Laws...

    Moved this one to California gun laws...
  10. I

    The little Good 'ole Boys

    I need an old hand gun. And I need suggestions on what to get, the prices of what you think, and why you think I should get it. Let's keep it under two hundred bucks, because gunse can be fixed if they suck. I'm thinkin 1950 on back, so yeah...:confused:
  11. I

    The Good 'ole Boys

    I need some suggestions on what old military bolt actions or semi-autos I should be looking for. Now I'm big enough for the kick-ass rifles, so anything would work. Sombody just know of a good ole gun I should get? Note: I already got a 1935 Turkish Mauser from Herb Bauer the other day for...