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    Problems with Legal & Political

    I’ve noticed that there are a ton of posts in L&P by new members (as in only a week or two of membership). Without getting into one side or the other or the merits of various statements posted by those members, in my opinion, the overall tone of the forum has diminished by virtue of their posts...
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    Has the American mentality changed?

    This is prompted by an episode of Shootout on the the History Channel, but the episode illustrated an issue I’ve noticed before, and wondered about. The episode, which covered the Ingalls raid, briefly mentioned the shooting and death of an innocent during the attempted arrest of outlaws in...
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    Need help training my dog

    I need some help training my dog. I have an older dog (as in almost 5 years old). She is a Catahoula (think hound dog if you’re not familiar with the breed) and by far, the smartest dog I have ever encountered in my life. I taught her all the standard obedience etiquette, but because she has...
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    Nick News says the Alamo was all about slavery

    WOAI (a San Antonio based news radio station) provided news story: The next post has the rest of the story, whch includes a transcript of the Nick News sound bite.
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    Has anybody heard...

    Has anybody heard of Jim Gregg's point shooting system? I came across a flier about Jim Gregg’s point shooting class. Seems his class is available and his web site has a book for sale that looks like it might be worth it. I know of one person that took his class and sure enough, he can do...
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    I’ve got a problem with dirt

    In the course of my job I kick up a lot of dirt. Now I’m not talking about this little piddling “whew, its dusty in here” kind of dirt. I’m talking about, cakes-everything-gets everywhere-go home-five-pounds-heavier-from-the extra-dirt, dirt. Normally this would just be annoying, however it also...
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    DHS makes a selection Department Of Homeland Security Awards Handgun Contracts For Immediate Release Press Office Contact 202-282-8010 August 24, 2004 The U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced the award of two contracts today for handguns for all...
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    Help me pick a flashlight

    Ok, for work purposes I need a “new and improved” flashlight. I have several requirements and the fulfillment of them all might eliminate all the choices, but I thought I’d see what you guys could come up with. Below is my list of requirements, although if there is some flashlight you think...
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    What is the price of peace with Iraq?

    Prologue, In another thread I made the statement in reference to not going to war with Iraq that, “peace at the price that is being asked of us by this tyrant is no peace at all, but merely subjugation”. Christopher II, in an effort to keep me honest, asked, “what price would that be”? Not...
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    Would you accept a letter of Marque or Reprisal?

    Recently there was a discussion about private citizens paying money to fight Iraqi’s on their own. The thread was closed but it started me thinking about something. Assuming that private citizens were still allowed to own the necessary arms, and that you did own what you deemed necessary, would...
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    The Free State Project

    I’ve been following this organization for a bit now, and I thought I’d mention it to my fellow TFLers. You can find them on the web here, and you can read Walter Williams opinion of it here. I would encourage you take the time to look at the Free State Project web site. I am very interested in...
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    Anybody familiar with Ducks Unlimited?

    I’ve been thinking about joining them, but I am leery of something. I’m interested if they use private means to affect change, but if they use the force of gov’t in order to improve habitat I am not interested in giving them my money. Anybody know where D.U. stands when it comes to using gov’t...
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    Strawman Purchases

    Recently I was discussing firearm purchases with a friend of mine and we disagreed on something. In order to resolve the issue I figured the bright minds at TFL would be willing to help. Is it a “strawman” purchase (and consequently illegal) to purchase a firearm for another individual who is...
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    I need some help

    I recently went on vacation and in the process took some pictures of a bunch of battlefields (does that keep it on topic?) and one of the rolls of film I used was slide film. Of course when I took it in to get developed Mr. Murphy ensured that the lady behind the counter tried to develop the...
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    A minor rant, if you will.

    You know what makes me sick? You know what makes me so angry I could pimp-slap the nearest yellow-bellied, punk-ass, girly-man? Sniveling, weaseling, spineless people whose ranks seem to grow every damn day, that’s who. Who stole Americans sense of integrity and responsibility? Did this nation...
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    Question for all the TFL constitutional scholars

    Why should a state be a part of the United States? I am not asking this as any sort of reason or justification for a states secession, please don’t take it that way. I am merely wondering what each person here thinks is the reason their state should be a part of the Union. Every state might...
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    What happed to TFL?

    Does anybody know what caused the down time?
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    Aaron Henry’s Axiom’s of Government and Politics:

    Aaron Henry’s Axiom’s of Government and Politics: Axiom the First: Government causes problems. The more government there is, the more problems there are. The only way to truly fix these problems is to minimize the size and scope of government. All other solutions miss the root and lend...
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    In the interest of cheap alternatives...

    I don’t reload a huge amount of ammo, although that is changing as time goes on. I have not tumbled my brass up till now as I just haven’t wanted to spend the money to get a quality tumbler and I had access to a friends. I now have some brass that I will toss unless I can tumble it, and my...
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    Who is the Rhodes Scholar?

    From the Rush Limbaugh web page we have this delightful compilation of images. Which one was the smart one again?