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  1. O

    Shooting C&R in the cold and the snow

    So who is shooting and if not why not. If you don't practice when the weather is bad do you think you will be able to shoot worth a hill of beans if the flag goes up and its not shirt sleeve weather. I hunt in the snow so I might as well practice in the snow and back when the Russians and...
  2. O

    Pre WWII challenge match. Iron sights only

    Rules are simple, Any centerfire gun made before 1945 is eligible. 10 rounds at 25 yards on a 50 yard small bore target from any position except from a gun vise. Sandbags okay lead sled is not. One entry per gun enter as many guns as you want. Target posted is a sample target showing what I...
  3. O

    What do you do on 911, I do it with a M1 Garand

    I was watching when the towers went down and people were jumping out beforehand and I just can't get into the mood to memorialize something like that. A weakness of mine I guess. The day after it happened I shot my first Osama bin Laden target and have been doing it every year since. Maybe not...
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    Rained, couldn't mow so I shot instead

    Power was out and I couldn't play on my computer, rained off and on so it was to wet to mow so whats a guy to do. I have some old oddball stuff I wanted to get rid of so I could make my ammo more homogenous for the 44 mag. Today it was cleaning out old 44 spcl odds and ends. My Super...
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    100 yards, no big deal right?

    Unless you are doing it with handguns and iron sights only here is what I have been doing at 100 yards lately. Spent an hour yesterday shooting up a box of 41 magnums because I realized I hadn't shot it at 100 yards for 3 years and hadn't shot a whole box of ammo through it for over 10 years...
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    Boneheads and gunrights

    Not everybody is a gunner nor should they be if their life style is such that possession or handling of a gun would be more hassle than it is worth. I do not care that a person has a passionate belief that nobody should be allowed to have guns. I care very much when that person gets elected...
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    Double Tap ammo

    I never fired Double tap ammo before but I just bought 222 rounds from woad yurt. 10 minutes after the brown truck dropped a heavy package off at my house a target was up at 25 yards and I shot 6 rounds. The sun was bright and low left so my shots veered a little left, I expected that. I am...
  8. O

    Shot you don't want anybody to know about

    Companion thread to bragging rights shot with a rifle only these are shots that in retrospect should not have been taken. For instance one of my best friends took a shot at the neighbors bull. Range 50+ yards, target of opportunity was the parts that make a bull a bull. He and his BB gun...