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  1. C

    More questions from a noob...

    It's a given that I haven't been to the book store just yet, so if my questions are covered in the books, I'll take my 40 lashes with a wet noodle. 1 - I have a few options on a reloading bench location and I'm curious as to what you more experienced re loaders would choose. One spot is the...
  2. C

    Extream noob...

    Ok, I know just enough to be very dangerous as far as reloading goes. I've never tried, but have the books listed for purchase soonish and have many questions before I can even think of starting. Just a bit on what I have...I pulled the boxes off the shelf in the garage today and have a BUNCH...
  3. C

    Range report

    As always it was a blast, so to speak. Arms taken, 9mm, .45, Mini 14, the new HSA 15 (AR type), my tried and true SKS and the new 12 gauge. The 9mm had a double stack of silver tips and lived on my hip and wasn't fired. The new .45 really impressed me. We both could put rounds on the...
  4. C


    I've been looking for a gunsmith for some bead blasting, general inspection and teflon. They are dadgum near impossible to find.
  5. C

    When you go to the range...

    What do you enjoy most? The act of firing rounds down range? Teaching new shooters? Meeting and talking with others there? I'm sure it's a given that putting rounds down range will top the list. For me though, I enjoy meeting new folks and learning what I can.
  6. C

    AR question

    Since I'm a proud new owner of an AR I'm sure that I'll ask more than offer. For this question, I'm asking about the charging handle. When fired, does the charging handle go to full extension? The reason I'm asking is because my cheek is very close to it in full extension and to be honest, I...
  7. C

    Clip storage and...

    What is best, storing the clip empty or packed? As the new owner of both a Mini and an AR I was wondering. My SKS stays packed but it has a spring from h*ll. While I'm at it, is there a down side to firing 5.56 through the Mini instead of .223? Thanks in advance!! :)
  8. C

    S&w 4506

    I'm not sure if this belongs here or in the smithy topic, but... I bought a used 4506, test fired it at the indoor range etc. When I got it home the first thing I did was field strip and clean it. When I was reassembling it I had a bear of a time getting the break down pin back in. Turns out...
  9. C

    Whoops, I did it again...

    Yup, I did it again. Another new day, another new firearm, well it's used but new to me. S&W 4506. I was able to check on its heritage and actually spoke to the last owner. It was well taken care of and only fired at the range a few times.
  10. C

    AR assistance

    I find myself in possession of a brand spanking new AR type rifle. The manual that came with it is...not all that.Where can I find break down and re-assembly instructions down to the screw level? I can't wait to get this puppy out to the range!!
  11. C

    Hot diggity!!

    I went to the "toy" store today. Came out with a High Standard AR15 (mil spec) and a Mossberg 12 Ga. It's time to head back to the range!!;)
  12. C

    Vibrating check book

    Oh check book is vibrating again. Another purchase is in the very near future, but I'm not sure what. I'd love to have a 1911 but the AR-15 is up there in the running as well. Long and short of it, I'm trying to build up things for the niece and nephews. My niece has a preference...
  13. C

    Mini 14 tips

    Yet again I find myself needing assistance. I just purchased a Mini 14 and was wondering if anyone had any tips or hints for cleaning beyond what is in the "manual" that comes with it. I've had it less than 2 weeks and it's already been to the range twice. So far I good with breaking it down...
  14. C

    S&W misfire

    I hope this is the correct place for this. At the range Friday, my ever trusty S&W Mod 64-1 revolver misfired for the first time since I've had it, over 25 years now. My first thought was old ammo but it also happened with new ammo. The rounds that misfired were indeed hit by the firing pin...
  15. C

    Range report

    What a GREAT day!!! Big beautiful blue sky all kinds of full of sunshine, very nice spring temps and only a light breeze. The range was more full than I've ever seen it, 75-100 other shooters there. The kids were fantastic and had a blast, so to speak. Each one took at least 1 shot with all...
  16. C

    Kids and firearms...

    I find myself in the situation of taking care of 2 nephews and a niece for the rest of the week. Ages range from 9 to 13. I'm thinking of taking them to the range, with my own set of safety rules. MY Rules are: 1 - only one round at a time. 2 - muzzle must be pointed down range AT ALL TIMES 3...