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  1. T

    How is the .204 in prairie dog towns?

    Or rather, how is it when there is some wind? I've never been on a prairie dog town that didn't have at least a slight breeze. What are your experiences?
  2. T

    Greek HXP Brass Question

    Is it necessary to remove the crimp off of these rounds? I have read that it is, and that it is not repeatedly on the CMP forums. I can prime both with about the same amount of effort to the same depth to see if I could. So what do you guys say?
  3. T

    RCBS Chargemaster

    Who has one and would like to share their thoughts? I am thinking about getting one, but I would like your opinions on it, or comparable products. It looks good to me, but of course I don't want to find out later it drifts really easily, or has some other glitches. I see that it is pretty...