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  1. H

    hollywood had York using a luger!

    So is it odd that they didnt show Audie using his carbine? NO NAME ON THE BULLET was his biography, and many others thought highly of the little rd and gun, too. Today, we have pistol loads that can replicate Carbine velocities, and short barreled 223's too (if using the heaviest slugs in 223)...
  2. H

    why lay aside pistol at home?

    aint it comfortable enough to sleep with it on ya? :-) I wouldn't carry anything that wasnt. loaded guns left lying around are an invitation to disaster, and are probably going to be too slow to access if you need one. If you cant get it ready in 1 sec flat, LUCK is more likely to determine...
  3. H

    how many think that they could get all doped up

    let me smash their testicles,and still succeed in stabbing me? :_) Shock does exist, and men are MUCH more prone to same than are animals, Quite a few deer run for 5 secs + after a chest hit with a 12 ga slug or 308 sp, while very few men do anything of the kind. In fact, few men do much after...
  4. H

    how many 00 pellet to chest are necessary for a reliable stop?

    how many of the 12 "0" pellets, then? Do you consider a 6 rd burst from a TSMG pretty likely to suffice? Think a 6 rd burst from a 380 MAC 11 would, if ALL slugs struck chest, now! Shotgun blast is PROOF that shock exists and USUALLY has an effect, IF there is ENOUGH of it. DITTO 223 sp's...
  5. H

    slug "placement" is BS

    Unless the guy is more than 10 ft away, and has no gun, you are going to be LUCKY, to get more than 50% hits on his chest,, and many of those chest hits may well be without immediate effect, if shock doesnt become an issue, because he can continue to operate just FINE for over 5 secs with his...
  6. H

    why the concern over 223 ball effectiveness?

    we are civilians, and can get 64 gr softpts. On animals, such 223's do BETTER than 7.63x39 ball rds do! :-) Since you hear little complaints about ak's failing to stop people,what does that say about 223 sp's? Just load every other rd ball, if sp penetration of windshields worries you.most guys...
  7. H

    Marshall makes up his "data"

    as he goes along, Any here put any stock in his so called "street-data"? :-) pretty funny to extropolate 92% stopper, from 12 shootings, as I have read SAnow do, concerning the 165 gr .40 (i THINK it was) Hell, the next 3-4 straight could easily ALL be failures to stop. That would bring the...
  8. H

    cold, wet, windy weather MAKES you fasten your coat

    so much then, for belt rig, eh? ditto hot weather and have to cover the pc with just a shirt, often a TUCKED in shirt. Jamie coffey came up with a carry-draw that I showed Hack, and it became known as the "Hackathorn Rip". i have worked with it extensively, and it is QUITE prone to...
  9. H

    If actually under fire,what is max range you'd feel 90+% certain of getting all

    hits on torso, most on chest? Some here have already said 100yds, but that is merely Rambo dreaming. I say 10m, tops, due to movement and stress.
  10. H

    when a pocket auto can hit HARDER than 1911

    why give up the .50 sec of concealed draw speed advantage of the pocket auto. If go to H.I.P (hand in pocket) when you smell a rat, you automatically have the SAME sort of draw speed as Rob Leatham has from a speed rig (hands at sides) Since HIP is perfectly innocuous, such draw speed is quite...
  11. H

    fetal, supine, or sitting

    firing positions are of more value than prone for pistoleros. Prone is no more accurate than standing, unless hands are braced upon the deck. Tall grass, etc often preclude seeing your target from such a firing position and on pavement, short richochets kick frags right into your face. Prone...
  12. H

    Cirillo brained 3 robbers at 50 ft, 3 shots

    in his first shootout. his partner was behind them with a shotgun, but missed the entire deal! Jim just executed those Harlem junkies, had plenty of time to seek cover and yell for his partner. Still, very "cold" nerve control. So much for not being able to brain a guy at 10 ft, not being able...
  13. H

    way to know controlability is use timer, and

    a standard target-distance, I use 10" chest circle, and 10 ft, (weaver) or 6 ft with one hand. Less than 4 hits per second (.25 sec "splits" on the timer) is not acceptable controlability for me, and 6 hits per sec (.17 sec splits) are quite attainable with true carry guns, at such realistic...
  14. H

    If you can hit the 12" torso at 100, geometry says

    that hitting the 6" head at 50 is EXACTLY the same level of difficulty. If you cant hit the head at 10 yds, neither can you hit the torso at 20 yds. That is undeniablle. Neither 5 yd heads nor 10 yd chests are much in the way of easy marks if you are being shot at.
  15. H

    If it's to be just a toy, why not .22?

    Saves 8 cents per shot, so can have more fun with the .22, and they are more accurate as well. M21 Beretta pocket 22 can be smithed to group 2" at 25 yds. 11 ozs, 5 1/2" long when done. Remove stocks and safety, and it will conceal in a shirt pocket. Ideal supplemental trail gun, along with a...
  16. H

    Since nearly all attacks are sub

    10 ft, and since you could react, lunge and hit the guy at 10 ft with a 4 ft long walking stick in a mere 3/4 second since punks can SEE the stick and just avoid you, and since using the stick eliminates the 1/4-1/2 second of hesitation about using lethal force and worry about innocents...
  17. H

    why bother with Mak or walther

    when you can have the much more powerful 9 mm Keltec,in a smaller, lighter gun, for a lousy $300 retail, $200 used?
  18. H

    Cooper is nuts to say Scout Rifle is a fighting pc

    misses are commonplace in combat,and for RIFLE type fighting, so are multiple enemies. Furthermore, proper use of cover demands that a fighting rifle be usable from either shoulder, which leaves out the bolt action. Jeff himself insists upon rapid hits on multiple targets with the pistol. Why...
  19. H

    Wearing armor is MUCH more effective than having super gear and skill

    Hundreds of bumbling cops have proven this already.
  20. H

    Wearing armor is MUCH more effective than having super gear and skill

    Hundreds of bumbling cops have proven this already.