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  1. K

    READ THIS: "Twas the night before Christmas"

    Subject: FW: Twas the night before Christmas Today's Message is dedicated to the many who work so hard for freedom and to keep us safe. God Bless each and every one of you this Christmas Season. Tim Twas the night before Christmas, He lived all alone, In a one bedroom house made of Plaster...
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    The solution to this problem seems so obvious.

    'Giant rapist' attacks women on horseback December 06 2002 at 08:30PM (South Africa) By Helen Bamford A huge muscle-bound thug known as the "giant in the bush" is waging a reign of terror in the vicinity of one of the most beautiful beaches in the Cape Peninsula. The tall...
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    EAA phone numbers.

    In case you want to contact them about something here are their numbers. 1-800-536-4442 1-321-639-4842
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    Latest report on firearms deaths in SA. We're dying violent deaths here November 15 2002 at 09:40PM By Jani Meyer South Africans are more likely to be shot dead than to die in vehicle accidents, according to a new study...
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    Well, at least it wasn't a Glock. Cop bleeds to death from self-inflicted wound November 07 2002 at 12:16PM South Africa: A 36-year-old Gauteng police reservist bled to death in his car at White River after shooting himself in the thigh by...
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    She bought the shotgun for protection from him.

    News reports on the radio say she bought the gun to protect herself from him. It didn't work out that way. Man, ex-wife dead in murder-suicide 2002-11-08 By Sheila Stogsdill The Oklahoman CLEORA -- A Delaware County man scheduled for a court hearing Thursday on violation of a protective...
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    Is this guy spot on or what? I No Longer Understand My Country by Jeff Snyder On October 30, Eliane Yvonne Marcele Aguillaume, 56, of Paris, was arrested in the Evansville, Indiana, Regional Airport on charges of disorderly conduct at an airport, public indecency and...
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    Are we beating around the bush on Islam? (Written by Cal Thomas) It's not over | The headline in last Friday's (Oct. 25) Washington Times said, "Thank G-d, It's Over." Two suspects in the terror rampage that killed 10 people and wounded three may...
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    Maryland "fingerprinting" expanded?

    Townsend Pledges Tougher Gun Control Laws Lt. Governor Wants To Expand Ballistic Fingerprinting POSTED: 11:34 a.m. EDT October 18, 2002 BALTIMORE -- Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend said that she would seek legislation to expand Maryland's ballistic fingerprinting program to include...
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    Popular Science article.

    I don't know if this was brought up when it came out. If so disregard.,12543,337379,00.html This article featured a picture of a Crossman "45" air gun which resembles a 1911. To the ignorant it would appear a real gun. The site has a...
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    Federal BOP getting new handguns.

    I attended annual firearms refresher training today and we were informed that the Federal Bureau of Prisons will be giving up their KP89DAOs for Berettas. I don't know why other than they probably have some of that "Homeland Security" money they can spend. They 89s still work well and we have...
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    Ne bank robbers/murders identity.

    I have yet to see the citizen status of those people. Has any one seen anything regarding their status?
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    Solution for Speer small flash hole 357 Sig cases.

    I had come into several hundred of those cases and couldn't bear to throw them away. So, I had to come up with a way to decap them without pulling the decapping pin out of the stem. I have several of the RCBS "case pilot stop"s for their Flash hole deburring tool (which is the same as the...
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    Some more on those crazy Air Marshalls.

    Select a day: M | T | W | Th | F | S | Su -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted on Thu, Sep. 19, 2002 Profiling charged on 'nightmare' flight A doctor on Delta Flight 442 was detained by U.S. marshals. By THOMAS GINSBERG...
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    Those Air Marshalls are keeping you safe?

    This is a CNN story: Travelers: Air marshal aimed gun in Delta cabin September 1, 2002 Posted: 7:24 AM EDT (1124 GMT) PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania (AP) -- A federal air marshal pointed a gun towards passengers on a flight from Atlanta to Philadelphia for about 30 minutes Saturday while...
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    First breakage on my G32.

    The slide lock spring broke yesterday. I have had it for 21 months and have put about 2000 357 Sig rounds and about 4000 40 S&W rounds (FAC bbl) through the gun. Does this seem normal or is there something I am doing wrong? Or am I the recipient of the occasional bad part?
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    Latest on Iraq attack timing.

    U.S. general tells Israelis war will start by late November SPECIAL TO WORLD TRIBUNE.COM Thursday, August 29, 2002 TEL AVIV — The United States has told Israel that it will attack Iraq before the end of November. Israeli military sources said a a senior U.S. military visited Israel earlier...
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    CA law says Heston must give up his guns.
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    PMC 40 S&W casehead seperation.

    At an IPSC match yesterday and a guy was having problems with his 1911 in 40 because the caseheads of his PMC brass seperated during firing. The seperation occured along the internal radius crack in the base. Very strange. This happened three times before he got rid of the PMC cased rounds...
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    Sometimes the right thing happens in South Africa. By Gill Gifford The angry father would have given the hijackers everything. But when they threatened his daughter, he fought back like a tiger and seconds later two gunmen lay dead in his driveway...