Search results

  1. N

    Federally Controlled Property

    I recently started a new job, working a project at a major pharmaceutical company. The boss said we can’t keep firearms in our vehicles because it is an FDA controlled property. I consider this a major 2A infringement, as it disarms me after work as well as the workday. Going back home is not...
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    Philly & PA Reciprocity with NC

    I live in NC and may visit Philadelphia in October. Can any of you from that area fill me in on CCW reciprocity? Best I know, I can carry my pistol in a checked bag on a plane if I declare it. Has anyone dealt with that issue lately? Thanks for any help.
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    Ruger 10-22

    I saw a video on the 10-22. The narrator said it needed a slight upgrade with the magazine release and the bolt hold open mechanism. Other videos said nothing about this. Have any of you seen this or have you been OK with your rifle as is "out of the box"? What ammo do you do best with? A...
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    Thanks to All

    I was unable to check feedback for a week or so on a recent thread I started and it got closed. Thanks to all for your suggestions. PM me for any details.
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    Pump or Double Barrel for Older Woman

    A friend's mother has been turned down for a handgun permit. I urged him to help her appeal to a judge here. May or may not work out. She lives in a dangerous neighborhood and needs protection. She is 67, not good health. We've talked some & I suggested getting her a 20 gauge pump shotgun with...
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    Air Rifles

    I'd like to find a good .22 pellet rifle. Budget about $200. Has anyone found a good rifle in that range?
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    SA Revolvers

    I saw a post on another forum seeming to praise single action revolvers as the best choice for survival handguns. I see the advantages of a revolver in general; simple, reliable, versatile with ammunition. But the few SA's I have shot were tedious to load and reload, with having to roll the...
  8. N

    Indiana Gun Shows

    Obama claimed on his CNN press conference that people in Indiana were buying "carloads of guns" and selling them to street gangs in Chicago. I've heard the same, as we here in NC and our neighbors in VA have been blamed for guns that show up in New York shootings. Without us, they would be in...
  9. N

    .22 Speedloaders

    I can order speedloaders for 15 rounds per loading but my Marlin 60 is 18 rounds. I am looking around for old aluminum arrows I can get cheap to make my own 18 round version. Someone clue me in on ID for arrow shafts. I am an archer but sadly not good on shaft sizes. I think .25 ID is needed for...
  10. N

    Marlin 60

    Did an afternoon of shooting Thanksgiving day with my Model 60. Enjoyed it a lot; haven't had a chance to shoot much lately. Later, while cleaning, I saw I had a broken end on the trigger guard assembly, which is plastic, not metal. I pulled out my owner's manual, copied the parts page and...
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    CCW Reciprocity

    I live in NC. Heard today I may be going to Mississippi for an assignment. Don't know where or what route. Possible routes would be through SC, TN, GA or AL. What can any of you tell me about CCW reciprocity in these states? I don't want to leave my gun home but need to stay legal too.
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    Beretta Leaving Maryland

    I just read on Facebook that Beretta is closing a Maryland factory. It threatened this if MD passed legislation it was considering. They passed it and Beretta is leaving. I say more power to them that they are able to do it. The same article said Colt is leaving CT. I think Marlin already did...
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    Raleigh, NC GRNC Rally Rescheduled

    Grass Roots NC has rescheduled a rally in Raleigh for Tue, 2-5 at 12:00. See details on Facebook. Key in Grass Roots NC in search block.
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    Wrong Focus on Controls

    I argue with a lot of my liberal friends that I do not have a problem with disallowing guns to the "wrong people". We fight often because they seem to think every person is a suspect who should not be trusted. I tell them our rights under the Constitution are not negotiable but that individual...
  15. N

    Good Lever Action 30 30

    I won't get one any time soon but will eventually buy a lever action 30 30. I have seen Marlin 336 models on sale fairly often, sometimes in the $300 range & thought that would likely be what I would get. But someone on the "worst gun" page said a Marlin LA 35 was the worst gun he'd owned &...
  16. N

    PLEASE, No Sitting on the Fence

    One of my biggest concerns is that so many gun owners treasure their liberty but do little or nothing to preserve it. I have argued with gun owners who did not vote. Can you believe this? 2008, 1 of the most important elections in history & I knew 3 gun owners I could not get to vote. Our...
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    .22 Magnum for CCW

    A cop once told me a .22 magnum was not a bad choice for a SD pistol. I see Ruger offers a compact revolver for it. A friend is getting CCW permit soon & is looking around. Anyone shot a lot with .22 mag? How do you like it? Viable for SD, CCW?
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    Air Rifles

    Thinking of an air rifle for my daughter, soon to turn 16. Don't have much $ at all. What would any of you recommend for $100 or less? Can be BB only, pellet or combo, preferable combo.
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    Man on Trial

    A man in my city is on trial for shooting his landlord in a dark basement of a commercial building. It does not look good for him. Yesterday's paper carried his own statement that he heard a noise in the basement and went down to check it out. Lights were out from a tripped breaker. He saw some...
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    Shooting in Florida

    Moderators, please feel free to move this if a thread has already started. I did not find one. Is anyone familiar with the recent shooting in Sanford, Florida? A neighborhood watch captain shot a kid in his gated community. Kid had been to a store and was returning with snacks and a drink. The...