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  1. W

    Caliber requirements for deer hunting

    I was looking at our Alabama regulations for deer hunting tonight and began to wonder if any other state has ammo requirements that are this liberal. Here are ours. There are no further minimums or requirements for rifles or pistols. So that makes just about any centerfire rifle or pistol a...
  2. W

    Why a trigger mounted safety?

    I have often wondered about and have never had anyone explain to me what purpose a safety on the trigger of a handgun serves. As soon as your finger or anything else goes into the trigger guard, there is no longer a safety. (Yes, I know, finger out of the trigger guard until you are ready to...
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    Bought this today

    Hope it is satisfactory. It is my first Charter. I am basically a Ruger and S&W man.
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    Got one today

    Got my first deer of the season today. I had let a couple of spikes walk recently but couldn't let this fellow walk. I didn't hunt this morning because of the rain. It had tapered off to a mist by this afternoon. I made the 300 yard walk to my shooting house without getting too wet. I got...
  5. W

    Is this doe challenging this buck (video)

    I got this video of this doe apparently challenging (?) this buck on my trail cam. Any body else ever seen a doe do this?
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    More black coyotes

    Yesterday I got this trail cam video of three coyotes, two of them are black.
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    Black Coyote

    I got this picture of a black coyote on my trail camera. Anybody else ever seen one?
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    Similar problem with two game cameras

    I had two game cameras develop the same problem at the same time. They are both Moultries. One is a Model D-40 flash type about three years old. The other is a Model I90 IR type about a year old. The display screen on both went blank. All I could see on either was a few dots. I pulled them off...
  9. W

    Is this a good idea?

    I have a Rossi single barrel .410 shotgun. I never use it for hunting as I have a Remington 1100 for that. As it is the Rossi is just too long and unwieldy to be useful for HD. I have thought about having the barrel cut down to 18 1/4 inches and the stock cut down so the overall length is 26...
  10. W

    Anyone else ever have this happen?

    I went to exchange the memory stick and put new batteries in one of my trail cameras and when I opened it up, it was full of ants! They were all over inside it. I think I got rid of all of them. I took one of those "bug bombs" and let it spray into the open and empty battery compartment. After...
  11. W

    Future big rack

    I got this picture on one of my game cameras. Take a look at the antlers on the one facing the camera. At least four of the five deer in the picture are bucks. Compare his antlers to the other bucks. If his rack is already that large on May 6, what will it be when the season opens in mid...
  12. W

    Two with one shot?

    This morning I was deer hunting. There were five does feeding 75 yards out in front of my shooting house. At one point two of them were side by side, broadside to me. The bigger one was in front with a smaller one behind it. I was tempted to try to kill both of them with one shot. I was...
  13. W

    Don't stay home just because it is windy!

    I went deer hunting this morning. I saw an eight point buck but could not get a shot at it. About an hour later I did kill a doe. There was some wind this morning but this afternoon it was blowing a gale. The weatherman said 30 to 40 mph. I have had experienced and supposedly knowledgeable...
  14. W

    One antlered buck fighting another buck

    I got these pictures of two bucks sparring on one of my game cameras. One of the bucks only has one antler. Notice how instead of going head to head with the other buck, he is off to the side with his head turned. I had the camera in video mode so I also have 30 seconds of video with them...
  15. W

    Second of the season

    I had hunted for two months before I got my first deer this season last Thursday. But in less than a week (Monday) I got my second. Still nothing to brag about but it is a decent sized deer. It was a 75 yard shot out of the same shooting house that I got the first one. It was standing about...
  16. W

    Finally, Success!!!

    I started deer hunting the opening day of bow season, Oct. 15. I have hunted 2 or 3 times each week since then. I have seen over a hundred deer. But until yesterday I had not killed any. Those close enough weren't big enough. Those big enough weren't close enough. I did let three 3 and 4...
  17. W

    Fighting Bucks

    Here are some pictures of two bucks fighting that I got on my game camera.
  18. W

    Would you have shot it?

    Today was my third day of bow hunting (crossbow) for deer. The first two days I saw nine deer each day. None anywhere close enough for a shot. Today I saw seven, four bucks, two does, and a fawn. A seven point buck nearly got close enough for a shot, about 60 yards. If he would have come 20...
  19. W

    What is it?

    I got these pictures on one of my game cameras. Some of the local critters that it definitely isn't: squirrel, rabbit, possum, raccoon, skunk, fox, coyote, bobcat, chipmunk, dog, cat Is it a groundhog? Maybe a youg one? By the way, that is one of my deer salt licks that it is in.
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    Moultrie customer service

    I just want to relate an excellent example of customer service. I had a Moultrie D4 trail camera. It was a 4 megapixel flash type. The flash quit working. It would still take day time pictures and would trip at night but the flash would only fire about one time out of 20 or 25 times. At...