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  1. C

    Another open carrier has been charged with disorderly conduct As a somewhat-close-to-Madison, WI resident this one hits close to home for me. To sum it up Travis Yates was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct for legally openly carrying. Brad Krause from West Allis (a town not too far away) successfully fought...
  2. C

    So Who is Inky?

    Which mod do you think Inky is?
  3. C

    Shooting with your weak hand

    I shoot right handed and have just decided to learn to shoot left handed. After years of right hand shooting ingrained in my head, it feels really awkward to even hold my gun left handed. Any of you guys have any tips/tricks on getting over the weird feeling of learning to shoot with your weak hand?
  4. C

    Picture Time

    I've finally learned to attach images properly. My .45 ACP Baby Eagle
  5. C

    Kudos to Pink Pistols

    For those of you who don't already know, there is really neat organization called Pink Pistols which which is centered on self defense shooting for homosexuals. I think their slogan is armed gays don't get bashed." I went to one of their range days (I'll take every opportunity I can to shoot)...
  6. C

    Teaching kids to shoot

    What age did you/do you plan on teaching your kids to shoot?
  7. C

    This made me laugh, in a very sad way

    This news anchor really embarrassed this lady. Good for him. I really liked that he kept pushing her and she kept beating around the bush. Apparently this lady knows where I can find "heat seeking bullets" that will kill AND cook my deer (she said it...
  8. C

    Moving out of state CCW permit

    Hi! I'm new to the forums here. I'm in my last year at UW-Madison, and will probably be moving to Virginia due to my job. Unfortunately in WI our governor has made sure it is illegal to concealed carry, so I've never had the opportunity to carry. With the move to Virginia I will be getting my...