Search results

  1. K

    Saiga-20 gas tube removal

    I feel kinda stupid asking but I just cant figure it out, and the manual doesnt help much at all. I'm familiar with the AK action because I have a VEPR K but this Saiga is different. There is no lever, and the gas tube almost looks like its permanently fixed. If somebody could help me in...
  2. K

    OK, I just finally have to ask this...

    I have been wondering for a long time and could probably find out by doing a search but am too lazy. WHAT happened in 1964??? As in Pre-64 Model 70's what is so special about them and if there so great then why has winchester stopped manufacturing them as they were before 1964? Thanks alot...
  3. K

    Gew 88 info needed please

    I have a Gew 88 that I'm cleaning up for a friend and I said I'd get some info for him but I dont know much about them. So I'd really appreciate it if the nice people here at TFL could give me some info... The receiver is stamped with an S at the top and under that is Spandau and the year...
  4. K

    My shoulder hurts!!!!

    Shot a single shot 10 gauge yesterday 5 times wasnt as bad as I was expecting actually was kinda fun. I'm sure feeling it today!!!
  5. K

    30rd fixed sks mag???

    Theyre for sale at Does anyone have one of those, I thought the largest fixed sks mag you could buy was a 20.
  6. K

    Just bought a yugo SKS and need some help.

    The gun is in very good condition blueing near 100% bore cleaned up real nice and the wood looks awesome and it has a soviet flag carved into it which adds some character and history to the gun. I'll post some pics soon. Can someone post a link that shows disassembly, and what all those dern...
  7. K

    Why dont more people use 50BMG for hunting?(yes, I'm serious)

    I look at the price of ammo for 50BMG and the price of ammo for a BIG bore cartridge like 470nitro express there is a big difference, 470NE-$200 for 20rounds 50BMG yugo surplus- $120 for 100 rounds Pull those FMJ's and put in a softpoint seems to me like you'd have a good DANGEROUS game...
  8. K

    Winchester M9410

    I'm thinking about getting one of these, was there a winchester M9410 horror thread that I missed. Or is it a great little shotgun. Anyone have one? can you tell me what kinds of patterns youre getting, and groups with slugs. Thanks in advance
  9. K

    Google boycott mentioned on Techtv

    I just saw it not 10 minutes ago, on tech tv they were talking about gun owners everywhere boycotting google for not accepting gun ads. I was pretty surprised to see this on tv, I didnt think it was that big. Techtv didnt sound anti the way they reported it, seemed to me they were on the gun...
  10. K

    Font size.

    After TFL went down for about 30 minutes the font is really big. Is this permanent and can I change it myself?
  11. K

    Whats your process for cleaning after shooting corrosive?

    I was shooting highly corrosive 8mm turkish surplus, and after shooting ran an ammonia/water/dish soap patch through the bbl a few times,and wiped down surfaces that the gasses would of contacted, worked fine, but there was light rust specs in places, they came off real easy though. What do you...
  12. K

    Shooting in space....

    I know we pretty much covered shooting under water, but I have never seen a thread about shooting in space, What would happen, would the bullet just orbit the earth until it hit something, or would the gun even go off. I wonder how straight a path it would retain and I bet velocity would be...
  13. K

    Michigan needs YOUR help.

    The current Michigan transporting handgun law is ridiculous it states, That you must have a CCW or hunting license or membership to a range to transport your handgun in a vehicle, The Vear transportation bill would change that so please email Gov. John engler and tell him to sign the Vear...
  14. K

    BIG bore cartridge idea.

    Its 2:00 AM and I cant sleep so I spent an hour thinking up this nonsense. Take a 50 BMG case and cut it below the shoulder, insert a 1,250 grain SP and you could have the perfect .75 caliber straight walled lever gun, or double rifle cartridge :D With all that case capacity velocities might...
  15. K

    Michigan gun law question

    The following was taken from the Michigan State Police Web site on CCW info) MCL 750.231a You may not transport a pistol in a motor vehicle without a CCW permit unless: It is unloaded in a wrapper or container in the trunk of a vehicle and you possess a valid Michigan hunting license or...
  16. K

    Cabellas Kodiak Express Double rifle

    I saw it here. Can be had in .72 caliber!!! :eek:, takes 550 grain lead balls, Does anyone have any experience with this rifle I wonder what kind of velocity and energy you'd be getting, If i didnt have a million other guns to buy right now, I would probably get one. My birthday is coming up...
  17. K

    I need help taking a mauser bolt apart.

    I need to replace the firing pin spring, but I cant get the bolt apart, I went by bob tuleys instructions but instead I used the hole cut in the stock to depress the spring because it looks like the firing pin could easily break the way he does it. I cant tell...
  18. K

    History Channel, Modern Marvels- "The Winchester"

    I just saw a commercial for a show on the history channel about the winchester repeater. Its on tomarrow at 10pm.
  19. K

    Anybody been to the new range at bald mt. MI

    Wondering if anyones been there and could tell me a little about it, so I dont drive out there and am dissapointed, its a fairly long drive from where I live. thanks,
  20. K

    Pro-gun celebrities

    Is jennifer Lopez pro-gun, I found this pic, thought some of you might enjoy it :D What about other pro-gun celebrities? I cant think of any, well except charlton heston. (Moderators, if this is better suited in the legal/political forum then please send it over there, I wasnt sure.) Happy...