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    Violence Against Border Agents At Record Pace

    Article from MSNBC:
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    Sort Of A Mexican License To Kill Americans

    I do not know if this is common knowledge, but Mexicans have a qualified license to kill Americans, as well as commit other heinous crimes. Reason is this, the Mexican government will not extradite to the US any Mexican national that is charged with a crime that can be punished by death or life...
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    MS-13 Gang Plans On Killing Maryland Police

    Just heard on the news this morning that police have intelligence that the MS-13 gang is planning on killing Montgomery County and Prince Georges County police. This is in retailation for the police cracking down on this very violent gang. This threat may include Northern Virginia too, but the...
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    Is It A Felony To Lie To A Federal Investigator?

    Read someplace that it is a felony akin to perjury to knowingly lie to a Federal investigator during the course of an official investigation. This even includes shading the truth. I do believe I have read a newspaper article of people convicted of lying to an investigator. Does anybody...
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    Question: Wash. DC Area - Rash Of Gun Store Robberies?

    Someone mentioned to me today that recently the Washington Times newspaper says that there has been a string of gun store robberies in the Washington DC area. Maybe as many as ten stores and all fairly recently. I know of one in the Beltsville, MD area. Anybody know anything about that? I...
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    DC Sniper May Not Be Using .223 Caliber Firearm.

    This may have been posted elsewhere, but here goes. The ATF chief investigator announced a little while ago that they are not sure the sniper is using a .223 caliber weapon. It apparently could be any round in the general .22 caliber high velocity range. So, it could be they where wasting...
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    (MD) Van Hollen: Any Demostrations Against Planned?

    Does anybody know of any public demontrations planned against Chris Van Hollen, Democratic candidate for Congress? Last time I saw Van Hollen in public was last week when he and Shriver where glad-handing patrons at the Silver Spring Metro Station. Of course, Channel Nine News managed to be...
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    British SAS M249 Squad Automatic Weapon?

    Rented a video the other day of a movie called, "Bravo-Two-Zero". It was a BBC production filmed in the UK and South Africa. It is about a small SAS unit in Iraq during the 1991 Gulf War sent to hunt down SCUD missles launchers, which actually did happen. Supposedly based on a true story. Pretty...
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    Step Right Up: US Visas For Sale Or Rent

    Interesting commentary in the Washington Times today concerning US visa policy. I have posted the website and a short excerpt from Michelle Malkin's commentary. It is a fairly long article to be posted here. Is there really a war on terrorism? Looks like business as usual when it comes to...
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    RKBA; How Does Maryland's US Con. Robert Ehrlich Rate?

    Possible that Republican Congressman Robert Ehrlich may run for Governor of Maryland if he can raise $2 million by the end of the year. Does any one know what is voting record is on pro-RKBA issus is? NRA ranking?
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    A Commentary On The War On Terrorism

    I find Paul Craig Roberts commentaries quite interesting. Very inciteful writer. Below is his comments concerning the latest developments on the war against terrorism. I wonder if RKBA could be in trouble next. From today's Washington Times...
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    Impressive Gun Show Happening

    Saturday I was at the Silverado Gun Show in Gaithersburg, MD. The local CBS TV news affiliate was there doing interviews, filming, etc. All of sudden the guy, who I am pretty sure runs the gun show, gets up on table and shouts out to everybody to join him in pledging allegiance to the flag...
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    Glock 36 Or 27; Which Better For Pocket Carry?

    I am thinking of getting double-action only, semi-automatic handgun. Looking for something to carry in fairly deep trouser pockets for around the house and yard. Also, want something with power and reasonable capacity. And, I want a finish that is suitable for pocket carry. The lighter the...
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    Reminder: Oct. 20 & 21 - Gun Show - Gaithersburg, MD

    Looks like for sure Silverado Promotions will be holding their usual gun show at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds. The Montgomery County Council twits lost their bid in court to outlaw the gun show. So, come on out and show your support for your right to assemble and exercise your Second...
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    Is There A Reward Offered for Usama bin Laden?

    Is anybody aware of a reward for the capture of bin Laden and his chief henchmen? If not, it might be a good idea to offer a gigantic reward for his capture, dead or alive. Or a lesser but still very large reward leading to the capture of bin Laden and his main men. By gigantic reward, I am...
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    De-Policing And Vigilantes

    After reading the following article in the Washington Times by Robert Woodson, I wonder if vigilante activity is looming in our future. And, do people think it would be justified under the certain circumstances to take the law into their own hands because the police are often putting...
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    Attn: Maryland Residents/RKBA Tripwire Newsletter

    In case you are not aware, there is a newsletter for Maryland residents called "Tripwire". It is published periodicaly and contains RKBA issues such as pending legistation, enforcement, polictical events, identifies the good guys and the bad guys, lists fund raising events for the good guys...
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    Montgomery County MD: Hideous New Gun Law Proposed

    Because of what a recent official government document states regarding the pending expansion of the 1997 "gun-free zones" prohibition law for Montgomery County, Maryland.  Some quotes from this latest government document regarding Bill 2-01, Weapons - Gun Shows:   "Goals and Objectives: To...
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    Clinton Thinks Gore Lost Because of NRA

    Last night on CBS Clinton made the claim that he thinks the NRA was the reason Gore lost the election. If only it where true. NRA got to hit the Big Goober in the shorts one more time before he exits the big stage. What a delicious thought. :D This was an interview on Sixty Minutes 2 with...
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    RKBA Litmus Test For The Bush Administration

    I say that George Bush and company must prove their commitment to the right to keep and bear arms by immediately doing three things. 1. Withdraw the Justice Dept. appeal in the Emerson case. 2. Withdraw the participation of the Dept. of Housing and Urban Dev. from the lawsuit against firearms...